Minecraft Mods

Rewards Daily

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meres10's Avatar meres10
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer

this is a re-imagination of "Daily Rewards" type of plugins.
(updated version, somehow I cannot edit the old one)

The differences:

It is very simple - the default configuration is straightforward,
and one might also found a more complex one in the jar file.
It does exactly what it offers - custom give outs on a daily login

The motivations to create this plugin:

First of all, the voting/rewarding sites/plugins are based on a
cool-down type of 24 hours period.
They force the players to shifting into a 3 AM eternal state soon :)
e.g. on Monday you've voted at 10:00 PM, then on Tuesday
you have to vote at 10:00 PM + a couple of minutes or so. . .
Therefore, soon you will be drifted into the 3 AM eternal :)

This plugin presents a 24 hours (one day) time frame
from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59, allowing you to log-in and
gain rewards once a day - at any daytime within the frame.
(there is UTC timescale at the reference server at yeut.wtf)

Much comfortable, isn't it?

Secondly, there is a single configuration file to specify the
gifts. It can be very long - let say 800 lines or so.
Each line presents a gift with equal probability to the others.
An example "config-yeuy.wtf.yml" is included in the distributed

A Player will be rewarded with a gift randomly selected from
(the default gives you quite moderate stuff - like two apples)

inkdrak requested a command that allows OPs rewarding good
guys on purpose.

Here is the command:

/rewarddaily Good_Pal
This command require a permission node:
(OP by default)

That's all Folk's!

One might try it at yeuy.wtf in action
(also check the server's site at http://yeuy.wtf)

The source code is free, and can be downloaded
from: http://yeuy.wtf/RewardDaily-1.12.2-1.tar.gz

The plugin to deploy: http://yeuy.wtf/rewarddaily.jar

by Meres10
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

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