Minecraft Mods


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RealismModTeam's Avatar RealismModTeam
Level 29 : Expert Taco
Hi Everyone Here! Is The Basic Concept For The Mod We Are Making

Too Hot?
I want to make a mod that makes cooking and storing food realistic!
in the furnace Interface there will be a little bar off to the left that goes up and down according to the heat of the food,if you get it too Hot it becomes Charcoal!

Too Cold?
if you leave it too cold in the furnace it will have a chance to become raw again (25% chance) or frozen (40% chance) or Moldy (35% chance).

Just Right!
As well as down sides to not cooking food correctly,you get rewarded for cooking food perfectly! when you cook food just right youll get bonuses similar to that of potions.

Ice Making!
I am also going to make a block that acts as a ice maker,there will be up to 3 slots for water buckets on the left and a slot in the middle for snow or snowballs depending on how much ice you want and on the left and how many water buckets you put in youll either get a 1/3 full a 2/3 full or a completely full "Ice tray" you cant mix ice trays so you want to use 3 water buckets all at once if your going for space saving efforts!

Keep it cool.
Then you take the ice from your ice maker and quickly walk over to a Freezer or Refrigerator and put the ice in to cool the inside,i havent worked on the gui for the freezers and fridges yet but i promise i will.and then once the fridge or freezer is cool enough then you can place raw meat into it to keep it good longer and you can also place already cooked meat into another kind of oven for a different effect,like cooked steak into beef jerky to keep it preserved something like that

I Think this milk has gone bad...

And to make it as realistic as possible to be put simply food goes bad if not properly stored! food that is raw will go bad in 3 minecraft days which is 1 hour in real life

also items will have 2 extra meters a heat meter and a tainted meter the heat meter will go down and when it becomes room temperature (empty) you lose the extra food it restores and after the heat is depleted your tainted will slowly rise and when it reaches 50% youll start noticing the food turn green which is the first signs of a poisoned food once you cook raw food the heat will rise and the taint will be lowered,basically in real life its killing the bacteria

now because of all your great ideas i will post a few more ideas that sound good in the future!

Ideas within Ideas? Easy enough
-Cooking food in Boiling or hot water to make it clean so you wont get food poisoning
-Salting food or cutting it into small pieces or drying food to make it last longer,at the expense of less food restored
-microwaves could be used to restore a foods heat meter but not get rid of the taint
Dont be afraid to suggest things to me for ideas on how i can make this as realistic as possible without being too hard (breathing keys Realism-Mod Minecraft Mod )

Thanks everyone for reading this and i hope you enjoy the mod once its released
Progress10% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.1

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06/23/2012 7:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
nukeman88's Avatar
dont forget to make a recipe for the ice maker! ;)
04/09/2012 2:35 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Zombie
danyopizzle's Avatar
what does this mod do, and u never answered my question on the forum
04/12/2012 5:03 pm
Level 29 : Expert Taco
RealismModTeam's Avatar
well right now im waiting until minecraft gets a little bit more advanced to add something in like this,right now i cant do everything i want until jeb adds more stuff,ill update to 1.3 when it comes out hopefully
02/03/2012 9:02 pm
Level 29 : Expert Taco
RealismModTeam's Avatar
02/03/2012 4:10 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Wensi's Avatar
This.... Is..... Awsome.... :D
02/03/2012 7:03 pm
Level 29 : Expert Taco
RealismModTeam's Avatar
01/31/2012 2:54 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
vanilla01's Avatar
I can't wait until it's 100% done!
En Dabuwya
01/24/2012 6:36 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Technomancer
En Dabuwya's Avatar
Looking forward to it, mostly because I'm trying to make my texture pack support as many mods as possible.
01/23/2012 12:37 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
I like how it's extremely popular, but it's only 5% done.
05/10/2012 12:26 am
Level 29 : Expert Taco
RealismModTeam's Avatar
shun the non believerrrr shunnnnnnnnnnnn-a
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