Minecraft Mods

Rail Wand 1.18.1

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kpGamer's Avatar kpGamer
Level 35 : Artisan Miner
Rail Wand is a Minecraft Forge mod that automatically builds powered railways when the player right clicks a starting point and then right clicks an ending point. Rail Wand finds the shortest path between two points (provided there is a path between the points). It adheres to Minecraft rules and constraints (no path on non-solid blocks such as water, cannot turn up/down a hill, etc). Install by copying the jar into your client mods directory and in your server mod directory if you run your own server. Craft a Rail Wand with one powered rail and two sticks - starting from the top and down the center using three slots. Railway distance limitation depends on your computer memory. Make super long railways by creating multiple segments. In the latest version (for game version 1.18.1), Rail Wand will attempt to connect adjacent paths where Minecraft allows it. Enjoy and watch out for those creepers!

Here are some helpful tips:
  • Build narrow paths underground between villages (two blocks high and one block wide). Above ground tracks work fine, but you are vulnerable to mobs at night.
  • Find villages using mineatlas.com. You can find your level-seed in your server.properties file (if running a server) or enter the "/seed" command in single player mode
  • Dig below block 45 to go across oceans
  • Beware of lava pools and enjoy the mining as you make tunnels
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.18

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