Minecraft Mods

[Program] MCDatapacker – A datapack editor

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IoeCmcomc's Avatar IoeCmcomc
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer Sus
MCDatapacker is a Minecraft datapack editor which supports datapacks for Minecraft 1.15 – 1.20.4

MCDatapacker provides a unified interface for making and editing datapacks. It allows you to create new datapacks, open existing datapacks, manage files, and edit them quickly and conveniently.


  • Create and open any datapacks from 1.15 to 1.20.4;
  • Add, rename, and delete files via the left-side tree view;
  • Multi-tab interface;
  • Code editor with syntax highlighting, error checking for function and JSON files, smart code completion for function files;
    • Ctrl+Click to follow namespaced ID under cursor;
    • Accept user-defined command syntaxes;
  • Integrated side editors:
  • View images (such as the pack.png) directly in the program.
  • Other useful tools:
    • Statistics of file and command usage in a datapack;
    • Visual editor for raw JSON text (a.k.a text component);
    • Top-down advancement trees viewer;
  • Dark mode, with automatic detection on Windows;
  • Lightweight in terms of storage and memory.


The program currently supports 1.15 - 1.20.4 data packs, and it run on Windows (tested on Windows 7 and Windows 11) and Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04.5).

Warning: This is currently an under-development program, and may contain errors. Use it with your own risk.

Download link: https://github.com/IoeCmcomc/MCDatapacker/releases/latest


Download the zip file, extract it to a folder and run the MCDatapacker.exe file.
Sometimes, when you run the executable, a SmartScreen warning saying that "Windows protected your PC" may appear. In this case, click the "More info" link and then "Run anyway" to proceed.


Download the .AppImage file, make it executable and run it.


To report issues and suggest features or enhancements, please go to Issues page. For questions and suggestions, the Discussion page is the right place. If you don't have a Github account, you can also reply this page.
If you prefer to ask anonymously, you can fill in this form instead.[Program] MCDatapacker – A datapack editor Minecraft Mod
CreditQt, thedestruc7i0n, misode
Progress80% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.4

7 Update Logs

v0.10.0 : by IoeCmcomc 03/23/2024 11:42:09 amMar 23rd

What's new

  • The welcome (start-up) screen has been re-designed to resemble a main menu;
  • Number providers can now accept non-integer values;
  • Add potion information;
  • In predicate, loot table, and item modifiers editors:
    • Add buttons to the sidebar of entry widgets to explicitly go to the previous/next entry (see #13);
    • Many combo-boxes of resource location fields can now list corresponding IDs in the current datapack;
    • Many text boxes of resource location now suggest possible ID values
  • Raw JSON text editors now also output the new "type" field in 1.20.4;
  • Add a setting to change application font size scaling (see #13);
  • Add new experimental application styles NorwegianWoodStyle and QlementineStyle;
  • Implement an alternative system to make adding new side editors easier.


  • In the code editor:
    • Improve syntax highlighters' performance on large files;
    • UUID parsing in commands is now more lenient, matching the behaviors of the game;
  • In predicate, loot table, and item modifier editors:
    • The user interface is now more consistent;
    • Item slots are now used for selecting blocks;
    • The "quality" field in loot table entry editors is now optional;
  • Double-clicking an item in a block/item selector dialog will now both select the block/item and close the dialog;
  • Update libraries.


  • Replace "configured_structure_feature" with "worldgen/structure" in 1.19+;
  • Fix old container widget not getting deleted in a modal dialog;
  • The "check" property of loot table entry in the "tag" mode is required;
  • Fix the stored enchantments table in item condition dialogs not initialized correctly;
  • Fix an error causing the "structure" field in location condition dialogs to be broken;
  • Fix the condition simplification algorithm not working with "any_of" conditions;
  • Fix the entries widget interface showing a loot table function instead of a loot table entry
  • Fix the wrong field in the "set_potion" page of item modifier editors;
  • Fix an error causing some list widgets not to be reset before loading from JSON data;
  • Fix an error causing the minimum and the maximum values of number providers not to be set properly when loading from JSON data;
  • Recognize "\r" as line separators when opening text files.

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06/23/2024 2:09 pm
Level 1 : New System
proficode's Avatar
I'm waiting for version 0.11.0

Good Luck :D
11/22/2023 11:43 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
Lionstagestudio's Avatar
old version?
11/23/2023 6:56 am
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer Sus
IoeCmcomc's Avatar
Can you elaborate? All versions of MCDatapacker are available here.
10/17/2023 9:21 am
Level 35 : Artisan Fox
TheFoxPrince's Avatar
I love this! It's so much better then using notepad lol!
07/01/2023 2:36 pm
Level 1 : New System
DimucaTheDev's Avatar
How can i contribute?
07/09/2023 7:57 am
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer Sus
IoeCmcomc's Avatar
You will need Qt 5.15.2, a C++ complier (MinGW is recommended) and Qt Creator to build and run this program. Python is needed to run scripts in the tools folder. If you have a Github account, you should fork the program's repository, clone your fork to your computer, making changes, then push to your fork on Github. After that, make a pull request from your fork to my repository and I will review it.
02/27/2023 12:38 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster uwu
amandin's Avatar
damn, that thing is just amazing, is there a way to add custom font though?
02/28/2023 12:06 am
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer Sus
IoeCmcomc's Avatar
Custom fonts are part of the resource pack, so creating and editing custom font is out of the scope. The program does currently not support rendering custom fonts in the raw JSON text editor, because it requires the program to parse a list of specified resource packs. Thanks for your idea, but I need to investigate to see if it's doable or not.
03/20/2023 1:43 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster uwu
amandin's Avatar
i tried using it. it has some bugs when creating files, also there is no dark theme. please fix those
03/20/2023 11:53 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer Sus
IoeCmcomc's Avatar
Can you tell me more about these bugs?
I'm rewriting the command parser, so I will try to add dark theme later.
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