Minecraft Mods

PowerSign CraftBukkit1.7.2 water control and lamps

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Modmasta's Avatar Modmasta
Level 53 : Grandmaster Programmer


You are welcome to come on ninescraft.net and check this out before you try....

Create red stone powered lamps, streetlights,trapdoors. Turn water or lava off and on with red stone.

The lights are created for you no need to build them.

In Version SignPowerCB1_6_2_ver1_1 Just added new signs (below). Added minecart and boat spam protection. When you exit boat or minecart,

it dissapears and goes in you inventory. Empty carts moving on track dissapear after 15 seconds as do moving

boats in water. Spamed cart and boats dissappear as soon as they hit the ground.

Just added :

First line always = powersign (type no brackets they are added automatically)

place these signs on block and power

Second line on sign:

webup (makes web top of block)

webdown (makes web bottom of block)

fire (fire on top of block)

explosion (thunder and lightning damage if in survival)

arrow (shoot arrows )

cart (spawns minecart)

boat (spawns boat)

sick (nausia to players in 10 block radius)

blind (blindness to players in 10 block radius)

poison (poisons to players in 10 block radius)

Lamp Signs :

First line always = powersign (type no brackets they are added automatically)

Second line for lamps:

lamp (stone wall base beacon lamp)

lamp1 (wood fence base beacon lamp)

lamp2 (nether fence base beacon lamp)

lamp3 ( steel bar base beacon lamp )

lamp4 (no lamp base)

light (stone wall base glow stone lamp)

light1 (wood fence base glow stone lamp)

light2 (nether fence base glow stone lamp)

light3 (steel bar base glow stone lamp)

light4 (no base glow stone lamp)

Street Light Signs :

First line always = powersign (type no brackets they are added automatically)

Second line for Streetlights:

Streetlight (wood fence base glow stone light)

streetlight1 (wood fence base glow stone light)

Streetlight2 (nether fence base glow stone light)

Streetlight3 (steel bar base glow stone light)

Streetlamp (stone wall base beacon light )

Streetlamp1 (wood fence base beacon light)

Streetlamp2 (nether fence base beacon light)

Streetlamp3 (Steel bar base beacon light)

Trap Door Signs :

Creates 4x4 trapdoor 3 blocks above sign.

Second line on sign:

trapdoor (stone door)

trapdoor1 (grass door)

trapdoor2 (cobble door)

trapdoor3 (wood plank door)

trapdoor4 (sandstone door)

trapdoor5 (stone brick door)

trapdoor6 (dry clay door)

trapdoor7 (quartz door)

trapdoor8 (iron door)

Turn liquid on and off :

To turn water or lava flow on or off just place switch or red stone by liquid.

Energize and it turns off. Place right next to water.

Coming soon :

Will add a custom config for light and door materials.

May add permission but this is a safe for anyone to use plugins.

Installation :

Just place jar file in your plugins folder and restart server.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Modmasta 08/20/2013 2:06:42 pmAug 20th, 2013

fix remove cart and boat on vehicle exit

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04/01/2014 5:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bj190974's Avatar
does anyone recommend a mod
08/11/2013 10:18 am
Level 31 : Artisan Creeper
KarBoy2314PL's Avatar
Is this bukkit plugin or (forge) mod?
08/11/2013 11:38 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Programmer
Modmasta's Avatar
this is a bukkit plugin
08/12/2013 9:49 am
Level 31 : Artisan Creeper
KarBoy2314PL's Avatar
you should put [PLUGIN] in title then
08/12/2013 12:43 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Programmer
Modmasta's Avatar
thats what cb is for craftbukkit but will add
08/15/2013 8:41 am
Level 31 : Artisan Creeper
KarBoy2314PL's Avatar
oh ok, SORRY!
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