Minecraft Mods

Poinpow, a mod that removes annoying things on Minehut. (1.19.3-2 fabric)

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udu3324's Avatar udu3324
Level 5 : Apprentice System
(warning) The attached jar may be not the latest (1.1.4), and only supports 1.19.3 fabric. If you are looking for 1.19.2, please click here.
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Poinpow adds utilities/features that make the player experience 102% better. If you catch a bug, create an issue on github or send it to me in this discord server.

  • BlockMinehutAds - Blocks ads from minehut that are sent in free serversExample: [Minehut] boost your server speed!!! go to this link!!!
  • BlockLobbyAds - Blocks player made ads in the lobby Example: [Ad] NintendoOS: /join waterffa join my server for op yes
  • AutoSkipBarrier - Automatically skip the ads when joining minehut or free servers
  • RemoveLobbyRanks - Removes ranks from players in lobby, and generalize colors
  • BlockFreeCredits - Blocks the vote messages encouraging free creditsExample: [Minehut] PuppiesAreNice just got free credits by voting via /vote
  • BlockLobbyWelcome - Blocks the lobby join message that sometimes has an ad in it
  • BlockLobbyMapAds - Removes the humungous map art that advertises things in lobby.

Here are some screenshots of the mod being used:

AutoSkipBarrier being used to skip server transitions very fast!
Poinpow, a mod that removes annoying things on Minehut. (1.19.3-2 fabric) Minecraft Mod

Me using BlockLobbyAds (blocks /ad commands by player) and BlockLobbyMapAds. It clears up chat a lot and blocks those awful map ads.
Poinpow, a mod that removes annoying things on Minehut. (1.19.3-2 fabric) Minecraft Mod

💾 How to Instal

  1. Make sure you have Fabric installed in your mc launcher
  2. Download the latest release of Poinpow here (or on planetminecraft)
  3. Download the latest release of Fabric API here (required)
  4. Move the two jars you downloaded into the mods folder (its usually .minecraft/mods)
  5. Launch Minecraft and enjoy the mod!
  6. (optional) Star the repository to support me :> You can join the discord server to send feedback about the mod too.

🧾 Is it Against the Rules?

No. I read the rules, and it doesn't break any. Unless..... "Minehut reserves the right to suspend or refuse service for users and servers at any time at their discretion." bruh

💚 How to Contribute

You can contribute by starring the repo, reporting issues, and creating pull requests. You can also send feedback in the discord server.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19.3

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02/20/2023 6:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
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