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[Plugin][Bukkit] SIMα

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Odypous's Avatar Odypous
Level 14 : Journeyman Modder
I am waiting for Bukkit to continue development or Sponge to take over. Until then, I can't develop this plugin!


Can you imagine a server where players work together like in an RPG game, but every single role in the entire society is filled by one or more players? A server where everyone can have jobs, houses, plots, shops and other businesses! There is a custom valuta and players can trade and buy stuff using it. You can have employees working for you if your company is succesful, or you can try to climb up the ladder in the company you are working for to become a rich player! But your city is probably not the only one trying to be succesful and wealthy... That's why it is important to have weapon factories in your city to supply you with the needed gear in times of war! Also be aware of the fact that is important to stay alive since you'll have to start all over when you die! Buy your plot, start working, earn money, learn many skills, become rich, buy a bigger house, start your own company, become even richer and make your city and yourself the most powerful ones in the world!

The goal of this open-source Bukkit plugin is to create a realistic society where fun gameplay is combined with a controlled RPG aspect. The big question though is whether players will like to be controlled in their way to success by the plugin. Will it become boring, or does it make the game even more addicting?! Find out for yourself when the plugin is finally finished

  • Player cusomization
  • Economy
  • Class system
  • Competition
(more to come!)

  • Official server list (CreeperGirl2303)
  • Browser side to extend realism and gameplay
GitHub: github.com/kdnooij/sim
Bukkit: dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/sim
Versions on bukkit: dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/sim/files

  1. Set up your own Bukkit server
    1. Go to dl.bukkit.org and download the build for 1.7.9
    2. Then go to http://wiki.bukkit.org/Setting_up_a_server to see the instructions on how to set the server up

  2. Now download the latest version of Sim from dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/sim/files
    1. Place the jar file in the 'plugins' folder of your bukkit folder
    2. Start the server and the required files for the plugin will be generated in the 'Sim' folder in your 'plugins' folder

  3. Join your server!
Your influence

You can influence the development of this plugin and it's features, by suggesting new features, changes or bugs. If you are a plugin developer and you have some Java experience, you can go to the GitHub page of this Bukkit plugin, fork it and help me!

If you want to see this plugin in action and support it, please give it a diamond and maybe even click the 'Favorite' button: it will help me a lot!

Thank you!

(this page is still under development)
Progress10% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

2 Update Logs

Oh bukkit... : by Odypous 09/19/2014 5:29:10 pmSep 19th, 2014

Hello everyone. I've got some bad news: Since the DMCA Takedown of Bukkit I can't continue developing the plugin. I have a new computer now, but I don't have the server files anymore to test the plugin or to use it as a library. I hope you all understand...
When the problems about bukkit are solved I will continue again with the development. In case Sponge will replace bukkit, I will rewrite my existing code and start developing for Sponge instead!

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09/24/2014 2:21 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Gent
JWire's Avatar
One thing though: 
   You need to involve a class that literally builds the city and somehow do something like a rating system so only people who are good at building new building will do so.
09/25/2014 4:15 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Modder
Odypous's Avatar
Well that the cool thing is that the system fixes that by itself. The system will have jobs and companies. For a certain amount of money you can start your own company and it will have costs every month because of the building plots that are needed. So that means you have to be skilled to keep your company running, which means the bad builders will go bankrupt and their buildings will be replaced by the better companies. This is just theoretical and the question is if it will really work this way. I'm also planning on making a system in which you can train skills and you literally get better at it: lucky crafting, mining faster, running quicker, etc. Also on top of that there might be an age curve which determines how much better/worse you are at a certain skill. This feature also makes it economically attractive for server owners since they can sell those skills/plots/ingame money to keep the server running.

About the rating: I will makke it able to have your own page for your company. On this page you will see the rating, which people can give once they have used their product. You can give a description about yourself and company and it will show all people who work there!
09/24/2014 9:37 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1452645's Avatar
09/24/2014 12:23 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Modder
Odypous's Avatar
Yes I do understand that. That's why it might be a good idea to actually ask 3 very big servers to pull this off and make them the only listed official servers for a month or two. This way I can see if it actually works or if it should be rebalanced (that will take a long time). Hopefully there are some big servers who are interested in an idea like this. But for now we just have to wait for Sponge...
09/19/2014 5:23 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Modder
Odypous's Avatar
I don't know Altis Life, but i don't think you could call it the same. I think this plugin is more focused on the economic side of an RPG. I don't know how it will turn out, but most of the idea's are about money and how to create an economy.

I hope so! Thank you for your support :)
09/20/2014 2:39 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
phase's Avatar
@s don't work on here.
09/20/2014 3:31 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Modder
Odypous's Avatar
Haha yeah I see, next time I'll just reply
09/20/2014 1:49 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
phase's Avatar
09/18/2014 4:33 pm
Level 42 : Master Fox
LuxLacis's Avatar
I'm guessing this is a big project. Sounds pretty cool actually, should be great if done properly! :)
09/18/2014 4:32 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
Dabeasty's Avatar
So... like Altis Life for Minecraft...?
Planet Minecraft


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