Minecraft Mods

[Plugin] PlayerTags

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iiBlake's Avatar iiBlake
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
[Plugin] PlayerTags Minecraft Mod[Plugin] PlayerTags Minecraft ModPlayerTags is a simple plugin which allows users with the permission 'playertags.cantag' to tag players in chat using @PlayerName. If that player has the permission 'playertags.notify', than they will be played a noteblock 'pling' sound. The format is changeable inside the configuration file
PlayerTags supports both 1.8 and 1.9[Plugin] PlayerTags Minecraft Mod
If you find any bugs in this plugin please send me a PM on here or on SpigotMC.org(@iiBlake)

Default Config File
# Config file for PlayerTags
#Message that the @PlayerName is replaced with. Supports colour codes,
#use {PLAYERNAME} for the actual playername, or {DISPLAYNAME} for the players nickname
tag-format: '&a@{PLAYERNAME}&r'

#The sound played to the tagged player if they have the permission playertags.notify
#Not case-sensitive, if the sound name is invalid will revert back to NOTE_PLING.
#NOTE_PLING in 1.9 has been changed to BLOCK_NOTE_PLING.
notification-sound: NOTE_PLING

#Whether or not the player name requires an '@' before it to notify the person tagged.
require-symbol: true

Original thread on SpigotMC: www.spigotmc.org/resources/playertags.23641/
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.9.2

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