Minecraft Mods

[Plugin] Notes | Write notes on you, on everyone of your Server

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CactusKipic's Avatar CactusKipic
Level 13 : Journeyman Modder
Hi everyone,

I'd like to introduce you my Plugin Notes, it's a useful tool for Staff, but for the players as well,
Let me resume it;

Notes permit you to set diverse informations(notes) on every player, the access to each note is define by a system of permission level. Some note can be only readable by staff, or everyone. As well you can set notes "resume", composing a serie of notes that be display with a command for make resume of players. All these notes can be editable IG, the system of permission level can let players write some of his notes, or by a certain staff grade. Also some notes can be automatically settled for every players on their first connection.
The players can set up Sign which display a note when Right-click on it. Usefull to make a welcome message or any information. It can be use by Admins to display redundant messages or descriptions messages in an interactive way.


Notes is a simple plugin who allow you to create and manage some notes on each player, which can't be read by any player; a system of "level" permissions define who can read/write every note. Which means that a regular player can, for example, read his note "EventScore" that indicating him his general score, he obtains by participing in server's events, score which be gived by the animators of this same server. But these notes aren't only numbers, they can be a sentence, a list or still a toggle; possibilities that allow your desires to note any informations about a player or else yourself, beceause the permissions system allow you too to let players write one or several of their own notes, can afford, for example, to make a short resume on themselves that can be readable by everyone, or not...


Command Usage



/NotesBase command of the Plugin.notes
/Notes Read <me/player,player> <note> (List)[n° page]Read a note on yourself or on other(s) player(s).notes.read
/Notes Write <add/set/delete> <me/player> <note> <data>Edit a note on yourself or on an other player.notes.write
/Notes Delete <player> <note>Delete a note on a player.notes.delete
/Notes Resume <player> (list)[page]Display the notes resume of the player/yours.notes.resume
/Notes List <player>List the notes of the player/yours.notes.list
/Notes Listw <player>List the notes of the player/yours you can edit.notes.listw
/Notes Add <player> <note name> <note type> <data>Add a note on a player.notes.add
/Notes Set <player> <note> <read/write/def> <...>Redefine the parameters of a player note (definition and permissions).notes.set
/Notes Check <all>Check if the notes of all player is valid/complete.notes.check.all
/Notes Check <player>Create a Notes file for a player or check if they notes are valid/complete.notes.check
/Notes Check <Default>
Check if the Default.yml notes is valid.notes.check.default
/Notes Sign CheckCheck if the signs registered in the plugin exist as a Sign block.notes.sign.check
/Notes Sign Info [Position/P:player] [world]Get Sign's infos.notes.sign.info
/Notes Sign Modify <line> <text>Modify the text on a Note sign.notes.sign.modify
/Notes Sign Amount [player]Get amount of signs a player placed and his max.notes.sign.amount
/Notes Sign Copy [Position/P:player] [world]Copy a Note Sign.notes.sign.copy
/Notes Sign Paste [Position/P:player] [world]Paste copied Note Sign on another Sign.notes.sign.paste
/Notes Reload [lang]Reload the Notes' Config.yml, force Language reloading with [lang].notes.reload
/Notes VersionGet version of the plugin and some informations.notes.noversion: false


Download normally the plugin from Bukkit.org, place it in your "/plugins" folder of your server, launch your server.
Now Notes is loaded but inactivated, go in Config.yml in "/plugins/Notes" set the parameters 'Active' true, don't miss to set up your custom options; and the default Notes in the Default.yml. Now on the server execute the command /Notes Activate, if it return no error, the plugin is correctly loaded.
If the command return an unknown error try to reload your server.


Links and Infos

If you found any bug please report it on the bukkit page, don't miss logs and configuration of your server (e.g version, other plugins).
This plugin is made for Minecraft 1.10, Spigot and CraftBukkit, plu work on 1.8+.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by CactusKipic 10/24/2016 7:43:21 pmOct 24th, 2016

Version 1.2 of Notes for Minecraft 1.10

Work on Minecraft 1.8/1.9

New Features / Modification:

  • Added command /Notes Sign Copy [...] to copy existing Note Sign with text or not
  • Added command /Notes Sign Paste [...] to paste copied Note Sign on a Sign
  • Command /Notes Sign Info [...] reworked
  • Old Configs can now be updated without losing comments, same for languages but make them less readable for us, same for plugin and displaying
  • Now language are automaticaly uptadated if needed, and extract from plugin .Jar if existing

**Tested on CraftBukkit 1.9.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT\\and CraftBukkit 1.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT**

Known issues
  • Sign's text can't be modified in Minecraft 1.10.2 (work fine in 1.10)
  • Languages files needs to be encoded in ANSI in 1.8 (Convert them with Notepad++, menu Encoding)

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10/26/2016 12:52 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc856928's Avatar
11/16/2015 10:16 am
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
TheKingOfArkel's Avatar
This plugin looks really cool and I would love to use it but I have one question: Can everyone with OP read all the notes?
11/16/2015 12:06 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Modder
CactusKipic's Avatar
Yep, the Ops can read and write every note, for reading the permission 'notes.read.9' allow to read all notes too, but for writing the permissions 'notes.write.9' don't allow to write notes with write permission '0', only Ops can do it.
And for the permission level 0 for reading, you can see that like public note, the player need only to have access to the command to read the note.
11/18/2015 1:07 pm
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
TheKingOfArkel's Avatar
Well I don't know what you just said but is it possible to don't give OPs perms to read the notes?
11/19/2015 3:49 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Modder
CactusKipic's Avatar
Yes, sure. For that you have to set the permission 'notes.read' and 'notes.read.<level>', level is a number between 1 and 9 (e.g 'notes.read.2' | 'notes.read.8'); it match to the level permission set on notes (the level can be 0, it's like public for read). You can set IG the level permission of a note with '/notes set <player> <note> read <level>'.
For writing this is the same, except the level '0' is only OPs Player can write the note.
11/12/2015 2:12 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Toast
ScArFaCe1999's Avatar
I've tested it on my server. Everything I need worked !
Thank you, very simple, but convenient plugin ! :)
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