Minecraft Mods

[Plugin] CombatStamina [1.8.x - 1.12.x]

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Praya's Avatar Praya
Level 35 : Artisan Mage

[Plugin] CombatStamina [1.8.x - 1.12.x] Minecraft Mod[Plugin] CombatStamina [1.8.x - 1.12.x] Minecraft Mod Plugin Documentation [Plugin] CombatStamina [1.8.x - 1.12.x] Minecraft Mod
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Recommended For Server:
⭐ Survival
⭐ Real Survival
⭐ Real Life
⭐ Factions

Plugin Main Function:
⭐ Stamina

➲ Stamina - Add new stats "Stamina"
➲ Stamina-Type - Support 3 types stamina: Actionbar, Food, Level
➲ Stamina-Effect - Add effect when player is tired
➲ Support JSON - Support all type JSON.
➲ Full Configuration - All option is allowed to change from the config file.
➲ Full Sound - Each action determined by sound.
➲ Full Effect - Every feature has an arcane display.
➲ Full Tab Completer - If you don't know how to fill the command just click [Tab].

➽ /Stamina:
➩ /Stamina help [<page>] - Show all command about the plugin.
➩ /Stamina about - Show all information about the plugin.
➩ /Stamina stats [<player>] - Show all player's stamina information
➩ /Stamina replenish [<player>] - Restore player's stamina
➩ /Stamina <set|add|rem> <value> [<player>] - Edit player's stamina
➩ /Stamina max <set|add|rem|reset> <value> [<player>] - Modify player's max stamina
➩ /Stamina regen <set|add|rem|reset> <value> [<player>] - Modify player's stamina regen
➩ /Stamina toggle - Turn on/off stamina notification

- "combatstamin.admin"
- "combatstamin.command.reload"
- "combatstamin.command.max"
- "combatstamin.command.regen"
- "combatstamin.command.edit"
- "combatstamin.command.replenish"
- "combatstamin.command.stats.other"

- /CombatStamina: [stamina]

➯ Java 8
➯ Bukkit, Spigot, or Paperspigot
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

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