Minecraft Mods

Phantasy Realms a Minecraft MMO

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Jewell012's Avatar Jewell012
Level 30 : Artisan Modder

Phantasy Realms A Minecraft MMO

I present to you the Phantasy Realms mod, This mod is based on the GameCube game Phantasy Star Online and the MineCraft Server Dungeon Realms. This mod is mostly geared toward Server use but Single player usage will be just as good.

With 140+ New Weapons added to the Game and more to come..

20 New Armor Sets and more to come...

New Custom Mobs with more to come..

Complete with a Tiered Weapon and Armor System and Tiered Mobs

Weapons are Grouped into 5 Tiers

Basic, Common, Uncommon, Special, Legendary(Boss)
Tiers are differentiated by particle effects on Weapons and Armor
Tier 1 - No Particles
Tier 2 - Portal Particles
Tier 3 - NA
Tier 4 - NA
Tier 5 - NA

In each Tier there are 3 sub-levels, low-range (grey), medium-ranged (dark red) and high-ranged(gold)

Each weapon can be upgraded or "plussed" 5 times, plussing a weapon increases strength of the weapon

The low-range group consist of a weapon and its +1

The medium-range group consists of a weapon+2 and weapon +3

The high-range group consists of a weapon+4 and weapon+5

Weapons can only be plussed when put in the crafting slot or crafting table with a Grinder

Grinders come in 3 varieties, Monogrinder plusses the weapon by 1, Digrinder plusses the weapon by 2 and Trigrinder plusses the weapon by 3

Grinders are rare to find, can be dropped by any monster from this mod.

Armors are also Tiered, only 4 currently, Basic , Common, Uncommon, and Special. They are dropped by Monsters from this mod. 

Armors in the same grouping share the same Texture while Weapons will share the same Texture in their Sub-Groupings.

All weapons and Armor can be repaired with an Item called a PhotonDrop, they are more rare than Grinders.

Mobs are Tiered Meaning that you would only find Basic drops from Mobs such as the Rappy, Rag Rappy, Booma, and GoBooma, making them a Basic Tiered Monster, with the strength level to give challenge to players with Basic equipment.

No leveling system for players

I have chosen this for the simple reason that I really enjoyed DRs no leveling system before its update, it was fun to play and offered more freedom.

I am thinking about implementing Tool levels, for being able to craft grinders or photondrops possibly. Again this is a mod geared more toward server use, as its a MMO type mod.

TODO List:

2. Finish Textures for Special and Legendary (Boss) Weapons

3.Finish adding Tier 2 Mobs( 4 more!)

5.Add in More Weapons and Armors (Every update for the mod version there will be more)

If you like what I am doing please let me know! All the feedback will be used in thinking of the future of the mod.
Progress40% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Jewell012 01/27/2015 10:50:49 amJan 27th, 2015

Decided to Continue working on Mod Heres what I have
Began Work on Tier 2 Weapons and Armor, Nearly done, this will add in an extra 124 weapons. 
Added in Pal Shark
Added in Poison Lily
Added in Savage Wolf
Fixed Booma Model
Fixed GoBooma Model
Added in Tier particles. 
Removed Mag for now
Testing Rods (Staffs)

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03/09/2015 1:23 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
dextarion's Avatar
Can I use this in my modpack the modpack is called wrakt
01/31/2015 9:19 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Blacksmith
firefliesalco's Avatar
Am I able to help with the mod?  I have just begun modding, but I know how to add Weapons/Armor/Mobs etc.  I also have experience texturing.
01/30/2015 5:04 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
GOOSEPk7's Avatar
Hey if I make a mod showcase, maybe consider putting it up here.
01/10/2015 12:08 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Mage
SolarWind's Avatar
This looks pretty awesome! Everything I want in an RPG!
BTW, then what IS the download file for? :?
01/10/2015 12:30 am
Level 30 : Artisan Modder
Jewell012's Avatar
The download file is just something I had to put up to post this mod. I wanted to have a Alpha out today, but I have gotten sidetracked working on the Mag system, Mags are basically players boosts, almost like another armor. They help with fighting with the player as well as healing the player and other fun things. Though they wont be fully implemented until beta but a basic Mag will be in for Alpha. which I will have to push back a few days while I finish up some things.
01/10/2015 12:38 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Mage
SolarWind's Avatar
D: No! I wanted to see this! Jk. Take your time. :)
What Minecraft version is this?
01/10/2015 12:41 am
Level 30 : Artisan Modder
Jewell012's Avatar
its for 1.7.10 as I updated it Yesterday, and eveything is going smooth. I wanted to add in a few more weapon and armor sets, giving even more of a variety, but with me only coding its hard to add so much in a short time :P
Caporal Dxl
01/08/2015 8:15 am
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
Caporal Dxl's Avatar
Interesting, keep going!
01/05/2015 3:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Fallen_Killer's Avatar
based on Phantasy Star Online?  GREAT, now this mod looks like it has promising future, keep up the good work! (just remember to update at a regular basis, that might help people who are interested, keep being interested, because ive seen plenty of mods that has potential but never updates, they just leave it there and then people lose interest in it)
01/05/2015 4:55 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Modder
Jewell012's Avatar
Dont worry I will! I plan to release Alpha by January 10th, Im pushing to have it out before that!
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