Minecraft Mods

PacMan MiniGame

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Majklnew's Avatar Majklnew
Level 47 : Master Creeper Hugger

Minecraft Bukkit Plugin - Pac Craft

Remember that old game Pac-Man? Yea, Lets create this!
Arena = Maze
Mob = Zombie(different color armor, Full Red Zombie, Full Blue Zombie, etc... etc....)
Health 3 == When mob touches you, you lose 3 hearts.
BarApi = dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bar-api/

So, A player spawn in a arena, (the objective is to walk over the specific block on the ground to collect it). Once the block is collected, it will be replaced with another block provided with commands. you will use BarApi, to get count of how many blocks you have collected. While collecting blocks, there will be mobs with a little speed boost coming after you. When a mob hits you, you lose 3 health barsYou will have 3 lives to survival. Ever mob hits you, you loose 3 heartsYou will have no health regeneration, and permanent food. There will be gold blocks that you can walk over for a special ability. The special ability is that your able to walk over zombies, without you taking damage, and zombies dies. The special effect will not lost no longer than 10 seconds. Once all the blocks on the floor has completed, the game is over and special reward of money (not items). If the player dies, he will be teleported to another world spawn (*Multiverse Support*), If the player leaves while in game, and joins back he will be out of the game and teleported to another world spawn.

So, How can we do this? Using What?
MultiverseCore && WorldEdit && BarApi

/pacman join {arena_name}
/pacman leave
* Also Join Signs *
Permissions: pacman.join + pacman.leave - Op Commands, will used just for ops!
Op Commands,
/pacman create {arena_name}
- Will create the arena!, Dont have to be specified with WorldEdit

/pacman delete {arena_name}
- Will delete the arena.

/pacman select {block_id}
- Using worldedit, when you select the positions the blocks will be selected in that region.
* This is used for the count of the blocks on the ground that the player will have to walk over

/pacman setreplaceblock {block_id}
- The selected blocks will be replaced with the block id when the player walks over it

/pacman setpspawn
- Set the player join

/pacman setmspawn
- Set the mob spawn

Gold Block Reminder. Gold Blocks when walked over cannot be used outside of the game!, It can only be used while in game. ^

Enough Details? I kindof late at night, if you need anymore questions please let me know, i will edit this later to give more clarity..
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.5.2

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11/25/2015 8:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Space_Lin's Avatar
Yea make it 1.7.10
11/04/2015 9:18 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Explorer
NitroStarman's Avatar
cool but why MC 1.5.2?
Planet Minecraft


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