Minecraft Mods

Nuclear's Mod (Discontinued)

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Nuclearheadshot's Avatar Nuclearheadshot
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
Welcome to my first released mod! I hope you enjoy!

There is a new dimension, slowly dying from a terrible infection. Work to beat the mutated mobs and cure the disease to save the realm!

All current items in the game:

All Items

All item names:

Nucleium Ore, Nucleium Block, Nucleium Ingot, Nucleium Pickaxe, Nucleium Axe, Nucleium Sword, Nucleium Shovel, Nucleium Hoe, Nucleium Helmet, Nucleium Chestplate, Nucleium Leggings, Nucleium Boots, Radiatite Ore, Radiatite Block, Radiatite Ingot, Radiatite Pickaxe, Radiatite Axe, Radiatite Sword, Radiatite Shovel, Radiatite Hoe, Radiatite Helmet, Radiatite Chestplate, Radiatite Leggings, Radiatite Boots, Kodolan Pickaxe, Kodolan Axe, Kodolan Sword, Kodolan Shovel, Kodolan Hoe, Spawn Demented Pig, Spawn Demented Cow, Spawn Demented Sheep, Spawn Demented Chicken, Spawn Dementor, Demented Essence, Demented Flesh, Demented Gem, Kodolan Rune, Demented Totem, Demented Totem (Activated), Demented Pumpkin, Bloody Trophy, Infusion Table, Radiatite Infused Obsidian, Demented Block, Jewelgrass, Jewelgrass seeds, Antidote, Obsidian Stick, Demented Slayer I, Demented Slayer II, Demented Slayer III

Kodolan Dimension:


All Mobs:

All Mobs

Radiatite Tools and Armor:

Radiatite Tools and Armor

Nucleium Tools and Armor:

Nucleium Tools and Armor:

Kodolan Tools:

Kodolan Tools

Infusion Table:

Infusion Table
CreditMade using Mcreator
Progress25% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.15

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Nuclearheadshot 02/23/2021 5:52:56 pmFeb 23rd, 2021

Discontinued due to file loss.

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Minecraft MDD
03/05/2021 7:35 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Minecraft MDD's Avatar
Amigo! Estou de volta. Publiquei a expansão do seu mod com créditos e outras coisas, também coloquei seu mod na descrição
para download, agora devo aguardar o sinal verde. Como o mod ainda está em muito desenvolvimento, eu só adicionei ferramentas e armadura
, porque não tenho certeza se o mod ficará legal, porque se não ficar legal, irei deletar o mod.
Minecraft MDD
03/03/2021 6:48 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Minecraft MDD's Avatar
Oque! Isso não pode ficar discontinuado! Se você perdeu o sua ferramenta de criação, apenas reinstale o mcreator, pois o mcreator salva todos os arquivos de mods. Então simplesmente e muito fácil!
Mcreator para 1.15.2:mcreator.net/ Aperta em download// Instala o Arquivo exe para 64 bits, mesmo seu pc sendo 32 bits, 64 bits tem uma taixa de armazenamento maior. Finalmente alcancei 1.000 views e 400 downloads! E você deve passar essa marca, se esforçe! Esse mod e incrivel não pode parar.
03/04/2021 3:51 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
Nuclearheadshot's Avatar
Thanks so much for the kind words, I am currently making a version 2 from scratch. So many of the ideas will carry over, but they will be improved and overhauled.
Minecraft MDD
03/04/2021 5:32 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Minecraft MDD's Avatar
Meu mod alcançou 1000 views, e 420 downloads, o seu vai passar com certeza. Faça a versão 2.0 com vontade, relaxe, vai da certo eu confio!
Minecraft MDD
03/04/2021 5:33 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Minecraft MDD's Avatar
Eu sei apenas fazer texturas para mobs, não sei personalizar meus próprios mobs, você consegue fazer isso! Então me escute: Continue e confie...
02/24/2021 7:33 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Modder
Markil3's Avatar
Sorry to hear about your file loss, Nuclear. I think I may have a solution, though. Since you uploaded your mod here, you still have the compiled code. With that, you can decompile the jar file and run the source through a deobfuscator. Some of the variable names may be messed up, but it should help you get this mod back on its feet.

The Minecraft Fabric project actually has a pretty useful tool for this: Yarn. It is what they use to decompile and remap Minecraft into something legible. I've tried it on my end, and I can make sense of the code I've obtained.
  1. Download the gradle project for 1.15: https://github.com/FabricMC/yarn/tree/1.15
  2. Extract the downloaded zip to where you can find it.
  3. Open up your command prompt. On Windows, you can search for "cmd" to find it. On Linux, you can press Ctrl+Alt+T.
  4. Type in "cd C:/the/path/to/your/extracted/folder" (without the quotation marks)
  5. Run either "gradlew yarn" on Windows or "./gradlew yarn" on Linux. This will start up the Enigma application.
  6. Go to the toolbar and select File > Open Jar and find your compiled Minecraft mod file (the one you can download from here). This will decomile and remap your jar file.
  7. Select File > Export Source and choose a folder to export the Java source files.

You may need to do some renaming to get it to work with Minecraft Forge's mappings (this tool is configured for Fabric), but it should at least give you a start at reconstructing your mod.

Hope this helps.
02/26/2021 7:36 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
Nuclearheadshot's Avatar
I really appreciate this! I am going to be working on a 2.0 and make it even better than before!
02/20/2021 10:45 am
Level 22 : Expert Warrior
JacobDaPr0's Avatar
Dude! Your the guy who wanted me to make a texture pack! How do u make mods btw?
02/22/2021 2:24 am
Level 22 : Expert Warrior
JacobDaPr0's Avatar
02/21/2021 6:39 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
Nuclearheadshot's Avatar
Hi there! I use an application called mcreator, which is an easy way to mod without coding.
I have the link to download it here: mcreator.net/download
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