Minecraft Mods

Teleportation, EndGateway Teleporter, Teleport, TP, MCEdit Filter V4.0 Also Works In 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.12.2 Updated To Work In 1.12.2 , New Features! You Can Now Modify Or Delete EndGateways,

StealthyExpert[]'s Avatar StealthyExpert[]
Level 48 : Master Modder
Teleportation, EndGateway Teleporters, Teleport, TP, MCEdit Filter version 4.0
Now Updated Now With 1.12.2+ Support And With Two New Features Including The Capability To Modify Or Delete Existing
(EndGateways, Teleporters) In The Selection!

(( CHANGE LOG V4.0))
Added 1.12.2 and possibly 1.13+ Support!
Added 2x Two New Features Including The Capability To Modify or Delete Existing (EndGateways, Teleporters)!
Added Operation: :NODE with three operations, (Create, Modify, Delete)!
Improved Performance By 35% Percent!
Improved Error/Exception Handling By 100% By Simplifying One Error Catch!
Improved Labeling Now All Labels Are Simplified And Are More User Readable!
Improved Code Now Includes Better Commenting And Formatting!
Improved GoTo X,Y,Z: :NODE'S with MIN (-9223372036854775808) , MAX (9223372036854775807) Values Enabled!
Improved Data: :NODE with MIN (0) , MAX (15) Values Enabled!
Improved Default Of 1.11+ NODE To True So id Will Be minecraft:end_gateway By Default Instead Of EndGateway
Fixed Bug With TileEntities Not Getting Deleted When Creating (EndGateways, Teleporters)!
Fixed Bug With EndGateways Using Incorrect Ids end_gateway When It Should Have Been Minecraft:end_gateway
Removed 1x Tab Find and Replace TOOL #1, Rewriting the find and replace tool into it's own MCEdit Filter!

This MCEdit Filter Allows You To Teleport Instantly Across Tens Thousands Of Blocks Instantly With-out any Commands, Redstone, Spawners Or Mods, Plugins, Of Any Sort Truly One of A kind MCEdit Filter So Download Now!

This New Update To This MCEdit Filter Adds Two New Amazing Features One, 1x Of Them Being The Capability To Modify Existing EndGateways, Teleporters In The Selection And Not Effect Any Other Blocks Another Awesome Feature Is That You Can Now Remove These EndGateways, Teleporters From The Selection.

Another Neat Thing You Can Do With My Filter Is Make A EndGateway Render As Any TileEntity
Beacons, Hoppers, Droppers, Block 36 If You Want It Invisible, And So Many More! Go Check It Out In The Settings Tab.

And If You Really Liked This Filter Then Please Leave A Diamond And A Like And Comment Below :)

(MCEdit Filter Credits)
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RedstonerLabs
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCfSCq4Al4Bx7geFdbkLxMxw
Patreon: www.patreon.com/stealthyexpert
PlanetMinecraft: www.planetminecraft.com/member/stealthyexpert
Discord Server: www.discord.gg/67cbdEj
Pastebin: www.pastebin.com/u/StealthyExpertX
Gamer Tag: StealthyExpertX
Discord Tag: @StealthyExpertX#8940

Link To The Tool Used To Create This MCEdit Filter: www.mcedit.net
MCEdit Tutorial http://pastebin.com/GgPPdTyz
PS: If you have any ideas for future mcedit filters please comment below and tell me I'd love to hear your ideas.

If you do not want to support me I understand :(
Just don't yell in the comments if for some reason you can't download it from adfly link the mcedit filter
I'm more then happy to send it via private message to you direct download link just ask.
(Disclaimer) I have tested the download link my self and downloaded the mcedit filter with-out any issues.
Credit@RedstonerLabs, StealthyExpert, iPxD Mods, @iPxD_Official
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

3 Update Logs

Update #4 : by StealthyExpert[] 11/26/2017 3:01:44 pmNov 26th, 2017


(( CHANGE LOG V4.0))

Added 1.12.2 and possibly 1.13+ Support!

Added 2x Two New Features Including The Cability To Modfiy or Delete Existing (Endgateways, Teleporters)!

Added Operation: :NODE with three operations, (Create, Modify, Delete)!

Improved Performance By 35% Percent!

Improved Error/Exception Handling By 100% By Simplifing With Only One Error Catch!

Improved Labeling Now All Labels Are Simplified And Are More User Readable!

Improved Code Now Includes Better Commenting And Formating!

Improved GoTo X,Y,Z: :NODE'S with MIN (-9223372036854775808) , MAX (9223372036854775807) Values Enabled!

Improved Data: :NODE with MIN (0) , MAX (15) Values Enabled!

Improved Default Of 1.11+: :NODE To True So id Will Be minecraft:end_gateway By Default Instead Of EndGateway

Fixed Bug With TileEntities Not Getting Deleted When Creating (EndGateways, Teleporters)!

Fixed Bug With EndGateways Using Incorrect Ids end_gateway when it should have been minecraft:end_gateway

Removed 1x Tab Find and Replace TOOL #1, Rewriting the find and replace tool into it's own MCEdit Filter!

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01/16/2017 6:22 pm
Level 20 : Expert Network
Nze_'s Avatar
01/16/2017 5:13 am
Level 26 : Expert Cake
Lykozze's Avatar
Very useful! Thank you for sharing it with us!
01/16/2017 10:39 am
Level 48 : Master Modder
StealthyExpert[]'s Avatar
Thanks for the compliment and it's no problem really.

Working on other useful filters too..... ;)
01/16/2017 11:57 am
Level 26 : Expert Cake
Lykozze's Avatar
Looking forward to it! Especially if they are as simple as they are practical like this one! :)
01/11/2017 6:19 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Avenged1994's Avatar
01/10/2017 9:45 pm
Level 46 : Master Musician
CVerse's Avatar
Also, this is on the front page. Again :P
01/10/2017 11:41 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
StealthyExpert[]'s Avatar
Ah who cares at least you liked the filter and gave me a diamond that's enough for me ;)
01/11/2017 2:29 am
Level 46 : Master Musician
CVerse's Avatar
NP. When you get the chance, feel free to check out my theme park MerryWorld Resort. :)
01/11/2017 6:46 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
StealthyExpert[]'s Avatar
Will do!
01/10/2017 9:11 pm
Level 46 : Master Musician
CVerse's Avatar
Nice save. Gave you a Diamond :)
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