Minecraft Mods

Modern Tooltips for Beta 1.8.1

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LO6AN's Avatar LO6AN
Level 46 : Master Miner
Classes Edited: em.class (GuiContainer.java)

Compatibility: Anything that doesn't edit em.class

Description: Ports the modern appearance of item tooltips from b1.9pre2 and up, and that's it.

A version of this mod for Beta 1.7.3 can be found here

Installation: Add files to Minecraft.jar

MultiMC, this means creating a Beta 1.8.1 Instance, clicking the "Add
to Minecraft.jar" button within the Version Window, and selecting the
zip for this mod

For the Vanilla launcher, this means cramming the edited class files from this mod into your Beta 1.8.1 Jar.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8 beta

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