Minecraft Mods

MMORPG MOD - Tibia Minecraft MOD

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Nielsstrychi's Avatar Nielsstrychi
Level 46 : Master Modder

MMORPG MOD - Tibia Minecraft MOD Minecraft ModWhat is Tibia Minecraft MOD

In the Tibia Minecraft MOD acting as knights, paladins, sorcerers or druids, players are faced with the challenge of developing the skills of their selected vocation exploring a large variety of new areas, Visit bustling cities, mysterious forests and dreary dungeons. The world of Tibia is huge, and it keeps on growing! Countless fearsome creatures roam the land. Meet vicious orcs, mighty dragons or deadly demons! Find hundreds of items. All items are unique and come with their own characteristics and graphics! Go on dangerous quests for fame and fortune. Master the art of Magic and fry your enemies with a wide range of deadly spells and runes! Especially the unique freedom players enjoy in the world of Tibia that create an enormously immersive gaming experience in Minecraft.


What is Already Available in the MOD

Tools - Backpacks - Buckets - Ropes Systeem - Dolls
Cooldown System - Mana System - Level System - Health System
Swords - Clubs - Axe's - Bow's - Crossbows - Wands - Rods
Equipment - - Amulets - Rings - Shields - Craft Materials
Spellbooks - Learn System - Spells - Runes - Potions
Blocks - Carpets - Fluids - Effects - Decoration - Elements
Leather and Cloth - Crystals and Valuables - Spears - Throwing Stars
Achievements - Special Ammunation - And Many More

Whats Needs to be Added in the Next Update's

Food - Paint System - Creatures/Mobs - Ingame Currency System
NPC - Biomes - Multi Tools - Ores - Craft Recipes - Smelt Recipes
Enchanting - Books - Rewards - Artifacts - Containers - Quests
Consumptions - Fishing Gear - Posting System - Configurations
Armor Textures - Cooking System - Lockpicking System
Player Wedding System - Mounts - And More to Come


See here a Preview of the Item The Tibia Minecraft MOD has to Offer
MMORPG MOD - Tibia Minecraft MOD Minecraft ModMMORPG MOD - Tibia Minecraft MOD Minecraft Mod

Go to the Tibia Minecraft MOD Website for a Beter Resolution and More Info!


View here The Tibia Minecraft MOD and Tibia Game Art Work

Old Topic 2015 - 2018


Tibia Minecraft MOD Pre-Alpha MOD-1.09 MC-1.10
Tibia Minecraft MOD updated to 1.10

With the TibiaMCMOD we try to create a new adventure for the player,
By following an old path of adventure already done by the Tibia players.
We bring a new experience to the Minecraft player and bring up old memories from the Tibia players.
With this MOD we bring all the Items back that are used in the game Tibia.
Learn more about Tibia! : www.tibia.com

Tibia MOD Website (also under dev)

look on my site for a good resolution http://nielsstrychi.wixsite.com/strychi/tibiamcmod-guids


Now Spells and Runes are available for testing.

Go in creative mode
Open you minecraft chat and type

/exevo vis hur

Energy WaveEnergy Wave/exevo vis hur381702500AttackShoots an energy attack in a large area in the direction the caster is looking.

Try one of these Spell sylables
with a command / before the sylable

List of working spells

Name - Spell name
Words - Casting sylables
Prem - NOT Inplemented on MOD Version 1.09
Level - Required level to cast in survival
Mana - Required mana to cast in survival
Price - ingame price to learn a spell (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
Group - The spell group
Effect - Short description



Strong Energy StrikeStrong Energy Strike/exori gran vis80607500AttackCauses a strong Energy Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 squaremeters away. It has a 8 seconds cooldown.
Energy StrikeEnergy Strike/exori vis1220800AttackCauses Energy Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 square meters away.
BuzzBuzz/exori infir vis160AttackCauses Energy Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 square meters away.
Rage of the SkiesRage of the Skies/exevo gran mas vis556006000AttackCauses Energy Damage on 85 squares around the caster. It is larger than Hell's Core, but weaker.
Energy BeamEnergy Beam/exevo vis lux23401000AttackShoots a 5 tile long beam in front of the caster.
Great Energy BeamGreat Energy Beam/exevo gran vis lux291101800AttackShoots a strong beam 8 squares infront of caster.
Energy WaveEnergy Wave/exevo vis hur381702500AttackShoots an energy attack in a large area in the direction the caster is looking.
BerserkBerserk/exori351152500AttackAttacks all players and/or creatures standing on any of the eight squares surrounding the Knight who casts it. And also under the casting player.
Ethereal SpearEthereal Spear/exori con23251100AttackAttacks the target causing Physical Damage.
Whirlwind ThrowWhirlwind Throw/exori hur (with a target)28401500AttackAttacks the target throwing your weapon like a boomerang. Affects your turn (melee/aggressive spells exhaust).
Physical StrikePhysical Strike/exori moe ico1620800AttackCauses Physical Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 square meters away.
GroundshakerGroundshaker/exori mas331601500AttackCauses Physical Damage in a 3 tile radius from the caster.
AnnihilationAnnihilation/exori gran ico11030020000AttackIt focuses on raw Physical Damage power.
Brutal StrikeBrutal Strike/exori ico16301000AttackIt focuses on raw power, dealing around half the damage of a normal attack.
Fierce BerserkFierce Berserk/exori gran903407500AttackJust like the regular berserk spell but stronger.
Divine MissileDivine Missile/exori san40201800AttackCauses Holy Damage focused on the square directly in front of the caster, or hits a target at a distance of up to 4 square meters away.
Divine CalderaDivine Caldera/exevo mas san501603000AttackCauses Holy Damage in a 3 tile radius from the caster (area effect).
Ultimate Terra StrikeUltimate Terra Strike/exori max tera9010015000AttackA stronger version of Terra Strike and Strong Terra Strike.
Strong Terra StrikeStrong Terra Strike/exori gran tera70606000AttackCauses a strong Earth Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 squaremeters away.
Terra StrikeTerra Strike/exori tera1320800AttackCauses earth damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 square meters away.
Mud AttackMud Attack/exori infir tera160AttackCauses earth damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3? square meters away.
Wrath of NatureWrath of Nature/exevo gran mas tera557006000AttackCauses earth damage on 101 squares around the caster. It is larger than Eternal Winter, but weaker.
Terra WaveTerra Wave/exevo tera hur382102500AttackShoots a wave in the direction the caster is looking dealing Earth Damage in a small area.
Flame StrikeFlame Strike/exori flam1420800AttackCauses Fire Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 square meters away.
Apprentice's StrikeApprentice's Strike/exori min flam860AttackCauses Fire Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 square meters away.
Hell's CoreHell's Core/exevo gran mas flam6011008000AttackCauses Fire Damage on 73 squares around the caster. It is smaller than Rage of the Skies, but stronger.
Strong Flame StrikeStrong Flame Strike/exori gran flam70606000AttackCauses strong Fire Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster or cast at a nearby target up to 3 squares away. It has an 8 second cooldown.
Practise Fire WavePractise Fire Wave/exevo dis flam hur150AttackShoots a fire attack in the shape of a cone in the direction the caster is looking, similar to Fire Wave.
Fire WaveFire Wave/exevo flam hur1825850AttackShoots a fire attack in the shape of a cone in the direction the caster is looking.
ScorchScorch/exevo infir flam hur180AttackShoots a fire attack in the shape of a cone in the direction the caster is looking.
Ultimate Ice StrikeUltimate Ice Strike/exori max frigo10010015000AttackA stronger version of Ice Strike and Strong Ice Strike.
Strong Ice StrikeStrong Ice Strike/exori gran frigo80606000AttackCauses a strong Ice Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 square meters away.
Ice StrikeIce Strike/exori frigo1520800AttackCauses Ice Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 square meters away.
Eternal WinterEternal Winter/exevo gran mas frigo6010508000AttackCauses ice damage to enemies on 64 squares around the caster. It is smaller than Wrath of Nature, but stronger.
Ice WaveIce Wave/exevo frigo hur1825850AttackShoots a cone shaped wave in the direction the caster is looking, dealing Ice Damage.
Chill OutChill Out/exevo infir frigo hur180AttackShoots a cone shaped wave in the direction the caster is looking, dealing Ice Damage.
Strong Ice WaveStrong Ice Wave/exevo gran frigo hur401707500AttackShoots a small cone shaped wave in the direction the caster is looking, dealing a very strong Ice Damage. This spell has the same cooldown, manacost and damage formula as the Sorcerer's Energy Wave.
Death StrikeDeath Strike/exori mort1620800AttackCauses Death Damage focused on the single square in front of the caster, or cast at a nearby target up to 3 square meters away.
Intense RecoveryIntense Recovery/utura gran10016510000HealingA healing effect in intervals over time that heals 40 health points every 3 seconds for 60 seconds (total of 800 health points).
RecoveryRecovery/utura50754000HealingA healing effect in intervals over time. that heals 20 health points every 3 seconds for 60 seconds (total of 400 health points).
Strong Ethereal SpearStrong Ethereal Spear/exori gran con905510000AttackA strong version of the Ethereal Spear spell.
Ultimate Energy StrikeUltimate Energy Strike/exori max vis10010015000AttackA stronger version of Energy Strike and Strong Energy Strike.
Ultimate Flame StrikeUltimate Flame Strike/exori max flam9010015000AttackA stronger version of the spells Flame Strike and Strong Flame Strike.
Conjure Wand of DarknessConjure Wand of Darkness/exevo gran mort412505000SupportConjures a Wand of Darkness.
Conjure ArrowConjure Arrow/exevo con13100450SupportCreates 10 Arrows.
Conjure Diamond ArrowConjure Diamond Arrow/exevo gran con hur150100015000SupportCreates 100 Diamond Arrows.
Conjure Spectral BoltConjure Spectral Bolt/exevo gran con vis150100015000SupportCreates 100 Spectral Bolts.
Arrow CallArrow Call/exevo infir con1100SupportCreates 3 Simple Arrows.
Conjure Explosive ArrowConjure Explosive Arrow/exevo con flam252901000SupportCreates 8 Burst Arrows.
Food (Spell)Food (Spell)/exevo pan14120300SupportCreates various kinds of food.
Cure CurseCure Curse/exana mort80406000HealingCures the Cursed condition.
Cure PoisonCure Poison/exana pox1030150HealingCures the status of being poisoned.
Magic ShieldMagic Shield/utamo vita1450450SupportDamage taken reduces Mana instead of Hit Points. Duration is 3 minutes, 20 seconds.
EnvenomEnvenom/utori pox50306000AttackDeals Earth Damage (in a descending order) over time.
IgniteIgnite/utori flam26301500AttackDeals Fire Damage over time, similar to Electrify.
CurseCurse/utori mort75306000AttackDoes Death Damage (in a ascendant order) over time, like some monsters do (e.g. Pythius the Rotten).
Ultimate LightUltimate Light/utevo vis lux261401600SupportFills the dark with light.
SalvationSalvation/exura gran san602108000HealingHeals a huge amount of hitpoints.
Heal FriendHeal Friend/exura sio "name"18140800HealingHeals a specified player. This can also be used on yourself.
Mass HealingMass Healing/exura gran mas res361502200HealingHeals all players and summons around the caster and will also heal the caster.
Intense Wound CleansingIntense Wound Cleansing/exura gran ico802006000HealingHeals roughly half of your total hit points.
HasteHaste/utani hur1460600SupportIncreases Speed. (Consult the Formula page to determine the enhancement.) Duration is 31 seconds. Cures paralysis.
SharpshooterSharpshooter/utito tempo san604508000SupportIncreases the distance skill of the paladin by 50% for 10 seconds. While the spell is in effect, the paladin's speed is reduced by 70%, they cannot cast healing, support or supply spells.
ProtectorProtector/utamo tempo552006000SupportIncreases the knight's shielding to 220% for 13 seconds. Concentrating on his protection, the knight will not be able to attack any opponents during this period of time, nor cast spells.
Swift FootSwift Foot/utamo tempo san554006000SupportIncreases the paladin's speed by 80% for 10 seconds, they however can not attack or use attack spells during this time.
Blood RageBlood Rage/utito tempo602908000SupportIncreases your melee attack skills (fist fighting, axe fighting, club fighting and sword fighting) by 35% for 10 seconds. Concentrating on the fight, a knight will neglect his defense being unable to block any attack with his shield.
ChargeCharge/utani tempo hur251001300SupportIncreases your speed by 90% for 5 seconds.
ElectrifyElectrify/utori vis34302500AttackIt deals Energy Damage over time.
Holy FlashHoly Flash/utori san70307500AttackIt deals Holy Damage over time.
Front SweepFront Sweep/exori min702004000AttackIt deals Physical Damage on 3 squares in front of knight. Damage a bit weaker than Fierce Berserk.
Inflict WoundInflict Wound/utori kor40302500AttackIt inflicts an open wound on the enemy target making them lose health over time, by dealing Bleed Damage (in a descending order) over time.
ChallengeChallenge/exeta res20402000SupportMakes all creatures nearby change their target to the caster for at least 6 seconds.
Cancel InvisibilityCancel Invisibility/exana ina262001600SupportMakes invisible creatures/players visible again.
InvisibleInvisible/utana vid354402000SupportMakes the caster invisible to some creatures. Duration is 3 minutes, 20 seconds.
Strong HasteStrong Haste/utani gran hur201001300SupportMakes you run faster than with Haste and is slightly less economical on distance given same time and mana, can also cure paralysis. It lasts for 22 seconds instead of 33 as with Haste. To determine your speed with this spell, go to the Formula page.
LevitateLevitate/exani hur
1250500SupportPermits vertical movement via levitation, up or down one level.
LightLight/utevo lux8200SupportProvides illumination in a 3 tile radius around the caster (area effect). Duration is 6 minutes, 10 seconds.
Great LightGreat Light/utevo gran lux1360500SupportProvides illumination in a 4 tile radius around the caster (area effect). Duration is 11 minutes, 35 seconds.
Train PartyTrain Party/utito mas sio32Varies4000SupportRaises the Fist Fighting, sword, axe, club and distance fighting skills of party members in a range of 36 square meters around the caster by 3 for 2 minutes.
Practise HealingPractise Healing/exura dis150HealingRestores 4-7 health. (Cures


Progress60% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.10

26 Update Logs

Release Tibia Minecraft MOD Pre-Alpha version 1.11 : by Nielsstrychi 10/31/2018 3:32:46 pmOct 31st, 2018

Release Tibia Minecraft MOD Pre-Alpha version 1.11
- new blocks added and bug fixes! next version is update tot Minecraft 1.12 or .1.13

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Sir Xenes
02/08/2020 5:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Sir Xenes's Avatar
Hi! Trade! Yes!

Guys here is mulitplayer serwer with tibia plugin, go check it out!

10/16/2020 6:42 am
Level 46 : Master Modder
Nielsstrychi's Avatar
I love that project good of luck with it! you have my support!!!
07/21/2019 12:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MadCheetah's Avatar
I love the appearance adaptations, but it would be really cool, if it had the same game mechanics and the maps from Tibia, to play like if it was Tibia 3D. Including the tabs on the side of the main screen.
07/31/2019 6:19 am
Level 46 : Master Modder
Nielsstrychi's Avatar
I have the map of tibia i used it on my test server alpha Days, Some mechanics are in but not all yet. most of the functions are development.
05/16/2019 5:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dukestyle00's Avatar
I need the new version now man
03/22/2019 2:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kiibe's Avatar
Man i cant load the mod with version forge 1.11 neither 1.11.2 can you help me i wanna try this
03/23/2019 1:57 pm
Level 46 : Master Modder
Nielsstrychi's Avatar
Yes this is because the mod does't yet support 1.11, i gone update the whole mod to 1.13 soon probly it can stay compatible with 1.11 then. if you wanne try it out now you need to use 1.10 as Minecraft version.
06/03/2019 1:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Ethernal_Plays's Avatar
ill be so happy to play this mod if youll add 1.12.2 version of this mod :D
01/19/2019 12:58 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
Evoken's Avatar
I would be so happy if this mod become updated to 1.12 :) Im working on tibia project in minecraft
01/29/2019 9:26 am
Level 46 : Master Modder
Nielsstrychi's Avatar
No worry's it get updated tot 1.13 and 1.14 soon. I need to rewrite alot of methods.
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