Minecraft Mods

Minor Alchemy

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Guff's Avatar Guff
Level 47 : Master Engineer
Minor Alchemy is a mod that allows its user to convert items into an Alchemical Container, and then use these Alchemical Containers to carry out various tasks. Such tasks include cloning items, repairing broken tools, and enchanting items up to level X (if applicable) using Enchantment Scrolls. The mod is highly configurable, allowing such things as allowing auto-calculation of conversion values (CV), enchantment base cost, and conversion scale. The most notable feature, however, is that it allows users to create/edit .cvl files in .minecraft/MinorAlchemy and give the items in your game customized CV data. It adapts to other mods, provided that the mod makes use of vanilla items in crafting recipes and if not, has a base value. Repairing items requires that the item has a CV and is not registered as non-repairable (via the API or the BBMM parser), and enchanting them will be allowed (provided it is not registered as unenchantable). Just as well, mashing and cloning is able to be disabled through the API and the BBMM parser. For more information, just ask!

Download GuffCore (v0.0.6.5 and higher)
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.4

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Guff 01/30/2014 7:25:32 pmJan 30th, 2014

+ Arbitration Expansion added, a new CV utility and an alchemical tool set. Check the Minecraftforum thread to see some information on it!

? Don't know if I did anything else, let me know if I did.

Update GuffCore! If you do not, you will get crashes due to code changes!

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08/12/2015 7:49 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
silvakid4's Avatar
i came back to redownload the mod after my computer got wiped, since i remember it being a great mod to play with, but now the guffcore download is broken. Is there anyone that can help me and give me an alternate link?
07/08/2014 10:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
nachodipping3's Avatar
Please Update
03/13/2014 7:36 pm
Level 47 : Master Engineer
Guff's Avatar
You might be using a protected version. Give me a FML log produced from the -shutdown- and I will take a look at it for you. PM would be best.
03/13/2014 7:14 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
speedspider3's Avatar
This looks like a great mod, but I can't get it to work. Every time I attempt to launch Minecraft, it crashes.
02/12/2014 3:30 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
Jackinatorx's Avatar
Does this work with 1.6.4 forge?
02/12/2014 9:05 pm
Level 47 : Master Engineer
Guff's Avatar
Arch Dovahkiin
01/23/2014 7:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Arch Dovahkiin's Avatar
Whenever I click the download link for the mod, it says 403 forbidden access denied or it says you just downloaded this file can you help me?
01/23/2014 7:58 pm
Level 47 : Master Engineer
Guff's Avatar
I'm not actually sure of that. Try downloading it from CurseForge, it may be a problem with the website at the moment.
Arch Dovahkiin
01/23/2014 10:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Arch Dovahkiin's Avatar
thanks, it works! Awesome mod by the way one question: is there a way to set it up so i can turn copper from BC in CV, like a setting or something?
01/23/2014 10:40 pm
Level 47 : Master Engineer
Guff's Avatar
Yes. You can go to .minecraft/MinorAlchemy and add your own custom .cvl files.
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