Minecraft Mods


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Majora Unmasked's Avatar Majora Unmasked
Level 24 : Expert Modder


This is the command-line version of MineLoader. For those of you who don't know what MineLoader is: MineLoader is a framework and API for mod installers. Allow me to clarify that this is not a universal mod installer (like Magic Launcher), this is a tool modders can use to make installation easier for their clients. Due to certain issues with Falling Visions' Java files, MineLoader will be put on hold for an indefinite amount of time. To compensate, I (Baron) made this command line edition, with commands standing in place of normal GUI features. The structure of this is much like MineLoader 1.0.0, with everything being contained to one file. This has been thoroughly tested, to make sure each method works.

For the Modder:

Configure the installer using the built-in methods. Currently, it requires that you have the folders structured the way they would be in the .jar. (Ex: MyMod.zip/com/example/gui/MyMod.java | MyMod.zip/com/example/lib/MyLib.java | etc) 'Zip' it up when done.

For the User:

Unzip the archive and launch 'MineLoaderCLI.bat'. There are several user commands available in MineLoaderCLI. Upon launching 'MineLoaderCLI.bat', a prompt will appear asking you to type @help. When you do, a list with the following commands appears:


After installing, to exit, simply type @exit or click the red 'x'.


     - Fixed '@help' menu to remove deprecated '@version' command, and show '@exit' command

     - MineLoaderCLI launched

This page is currently under construction

If you have downloaded this, please give feedback! Doing so will help me make future versions even better

Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.8

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Majora Unmasked
07/23/2014 11:36 pm
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Majora Unmasked's Avatar
Reminder that if you don't send feedback I'm not sure where to focus improvement.
Majora Unmasked
07/19/2014 1:40 am
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Majora Unmasked's Avatar
Reminder to give feedback if/when you use it! If you do, I can make it even better in future updates because I know what is needed
07/15/2014 11:57 am
Level 25 : Expert Miner
eyebrowcalypse's Avatar
Try making this in C#, it would be alot easier than Batch, and you could structure the folders easily in C# too.
Majora Unmasked
07/16/2014 5:38 am
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Majora Unmasked's Avatar
Haven't looked much into C#, but I will now. Thank you for the suggestion and feedback.
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