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Minecraft UUID - Find your Minecraft UUID!

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GigabyteGiant's Avatar GigabyteGiant
Level 42 : Master Droid
Disclaimer: This is not a mod, nor is it a game. This is to be used for informational purposes only, and is really a POC (proof of concept).

Hey guys, so lately there has been a lot of buzz going around that Minecraft name changes will screw up server bans, and there are still a few people who do not understand the concept of a unique user ID. Using the program, you can enter your Minecraft username, and it will fetch your UUID from the Mojang servers.
There is not much use for this, however, I just wanted to prove to those people who do not believe in UUIDs, that they do exist.

And yes, I do know that you can get a persons UUID via a minecraft server (1.7.x and up). However, I made this for the fun of it, and also to make a point to people.

This application runs in a DOS shell on a windows computer, and a terminal window on a mac. I have not used this on Linux, so it might not work. This is developed in Java, and I am using GSON to convert the profile criteria to JSON.

How to use
Download the JAR file. Open a DOS window (PC), or a terminal window (MAC), and navigate to the location of the downloaded JAR.
When you have reached the location of the downloaded JAR, you can then type:

Spoiler - click to reveal
java -jar MinecraftUUID.jar

This should launch the application, and you will see something that says:

Spoiler - click to reveal
Enter your Minecraft Username:

And well, just enter you MC username, and press enter. The application will probably pause for a second, because after all, it is fetching your profile criteria from the Mojang servers, and converting it to JSON.
Remember: When entering you MC username, it is case sensitive.
If you enter an invalid Minecraft username, or just random letters, it will say:

Spoiler - click to reveal
Your Minecraft UUID is: Could not get UUID. :(

If you want, you can even enter your friends MC username, or your siblings, or some famous YouTuber's username. However, if you attempt to do something harmful with the UUID, you will fail, because, well, the UUID is originally made public by Mojang via their API. Meaning, nothing (harmful) can be done with this ID.

How will name changes work?
Ok, so now, to (re)explain how this will work. If you look at the second picture (a smexy diagram with so many colors), you can see the overall structure. I may have the diagram drawn backwards (programmatically speaking), however, it shows the overall gist of it.
So, basically here is how it works:
You have your overall MC account. This is in the top of the heiarchy list.
Under that, you have your IGN, so, what you appear as in game. However, this will be able to be changed in the future.
Below all of that, you have your UUID. This will never ever change. Your account get assigned one the day you purchase MC, and never changes. So basically, when names changes come out, you will be banned based upon your UUID and your IP. Not your username. Sure, your username will be what is used for the command, instead of a 16 character ID.
So, it sort of looks like this:
Spoiler - click to reveal
  • Minecraft Account
    1. Username
      1. Unique User ID

You guys understand it now? If not, leave a comment, and I can explain it to you more.

Anyways, thanks for reading guys, and check out the application. Leave a comment! If you want to, you can even be generous and leave a diamond.
CreditMojang, Google, Oracle, AwesomeMin3r2000
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.4

3 Update Logs

Important - Program broken completely. : by GigabyteGiant 06/20/2014 6:30:15 pmJun 20th, 2014

After some major testing, and investigating since last month or so, I have found out that the GSON API supplied by Mojang does not work after previous UUID database updates.
The only way that this program works, is by using Mojang's GSON API, therefor, if that is broken this program is broken.

However, this project is not going out of circulation, as I am going to be releasing a super simple PHP script that allows you to get your UUID, keep your eyes peeled on the forums for that.


Gigabyte Giant (AwesomeMin3r2000)

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07/25/2014 7:17 pm
Level 22 : Expert Taco
FLAMESS123's Avatar
I wish I could make my name without any numbers, and be more original, but at the same time I cant let go of my mc username that I've had for years...
07/26/2014 8:29 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
GigabyteGiant's Avatar
Name changes will be coming to Minecraft soon! You will always have your original MC username stored in a database, however, your display name will be different.
06/21/2014 9:09 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
DrRadical15's Avatar
I can confirm that this works on Linux operating systems. To run it, use the terminal command: java -jar [jarfile]
06/21/2014 6:17 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
GigabyteGiant's Avatar
Unless I am mistaken, the program does run on linux, however, it does not work anymore. (Due to Mojang server update)
05/04/2014 3:07 am
Level 23 : Expert Crafter
Jeff142's Avatar
You could also just use 
minecraftuuid.com and not have to download anything
05/06/2014 8:08 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
GigabyteGiant's Avatar
Yes, I am fully aware, however, I just wanted to make something, and try to learn something more... I am not forcing anyone to use this, I just wanted to make this.
04/26/2014 4:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
darkllama23's Avatar
I just downloaded this and it keeps saying "Your Minecraft UUID is: Could not get UUID. :(" I tried Notch, myself, Antvemon, and other players and they all say that! Please help!
04/26/2014 6:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
GigabyteGiant's Avatar
Please look at the update log. This program has been broken due to something that was changed in the Mojang API. I am working on a fix.

Sorry for the problems.
04/26/2014 3:25 pm
Level 22 : Expert Cake
megamx360's Avatar
There is actually a bukkit plugin out for this called GetUUID.
04/26/2014 6:03 pm
Level 42 : Master Droid
GigabyteGiant's Avatar
Yes, but that uses something already built into bukkit, it literally takes one line of code to do that.


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