Minecraft Mods

Mine Art Online (Sword Art Online mod) 1.9.4

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MineArtOnline Dev's Avatar MineArtOnline Dev
Level 31 : Artisan Modder
This is the Sword Art Online Mod for minecraft version 1.9.4, so far it has a very basic set up with loads of new weapons in, eventually we want to have 3D swords made out of obj models! However for now we are stuck with a load of 2D weapons.

What Do You Have?

Already we have many weapons, we have iconic ones from the show such as the Elucidator, to custom ones implemented by the development team, all the way to basic wooden, stone, and even various gem swords. I am personally going to be making a plethora of new swords to be added each update to keep things interesting. Within the next update I will have a new crafting system to create the weapons featuring, sword handles, guards, and blades. So far all the swords are only obtainable through creative mode, but that will soon change.

Future Plans

In the near future, I wish to expand the development team with even more skilled developers who can help with all the mobs and adding special effects to the weapons. The Mod will also feature a custom server that contains all 100 floors. Since we haven't seen all the floors a large part of the map development will come from the maps given in the progressive novels which also contain information on some quests that will be implemented. I hope to have a few mobs to fight before the beta, but for now we are in an early alpha build.

When can I play it?

To show that this mod isn't going to never happen, I've decided to allow people to download the mod as it progresses through the alpha and beta, this way you guys have a constant feed of whats in the mod. A download will be linked down below.

Can I join the development team?

If you have experience with Java and minecraft mods then I'd be more than happy to give you a task to test you abilities and see if you are development team material. If you can prove you can code then you are welcome to the team! Ideally I want to have individual people or groups working on certain things. I would like the more skilled developers working to get OBJ models into the mod, while others may add mobs or blocks and weapons.

Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.9.2

3 Update Logs

Update v0.0.7 : by MineArtOnline Dev 06/10/2016 6:16:32 pmJun 10th, 2016

This is a small update that adds diamond and emerald weapon sets. I have also updated the name of the Stream Ore to be River Ore since that is the new name for it in SAO Re:Hollow Fragment. I will be adding the stone and gold sets soon and then ill start work on the others.

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07/31/2017 11:28 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
YatoGodOfFortune's Avatar
I know you may dislike me for bothering you so much about this mod, but i was curious if it would be okay for me to redo the mod for later versions and everything.

And i am sorry about being rude.

11/23/2016 9:16 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
FrostDragneel's Avatar
can you change the sword attack power for elucidator and dark repulser in the next update?
07/19/2016 11:29 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
bmrme's Avatar
Hey MineArtOnline Dev if i record a Review will you place it on here
06/04/2016 4:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
woterx's Avatar
dont add 3d to minecraft! keep it nice and pixelated
06/03/2016 4:22 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
SummaMaximus's Avatar
this is an interesting mod, please can you update it for 1.9 version too?
06/02/2016 8:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Flameinfiren's Avatar
hey how to post link to dawload in project
MineArtOnline Dev
06/02/2016 8:32 am
Level 31 : Artisan Modder
MineArtOnline Dev's Avatar
I'm not sure what you mean, but when you update your project or mod there should be a mirror link that you can put your own link in
Prince Oceanus
06/01/2016 4:30 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Prince
Prince Oceanus's Avatar


MineArtOnline Dev
06/01/2016 4:39 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Modder
MineArtOnline Dev's Avatar
yes they are, its a sub class of the spears, in the officials SAO games, several spears are tridents
06/01/2016 3:40 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
brostermedia's Avatar
keep up the work!
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