Minecraft Mods

Meme Garbage 2.3.1

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TheQueenQuck's Avatar TheQueenQuck
Level 20 : Expert Goblin
Meme Garbage is a memey "har-har, funny!" mod. Which adds Pepsi, Obamium and real-world ores such as salt, copper, and silver. Meme Garbage 2.0 also implements the use of a new "cooking system", throwing together meats, maybe wheat and even salt for potion-like foods that benefit you when eaten.

  In its current state, Meme Garbage is complete, but not "complete". More will be added onto it, and further updates will fine-tune every feature of the mod.

Recipes - Crafting Table
Meme Garbage 2.3.1 Minecraft Mod  

Advanced Component:
Meme Garbage 2.3.1 Minecraft Mod

Copper Wire:
Meme Garbage 2.3.1 Minecraft Mod

Doge Coin:

Doge Coin Miner:


Wood Generator:


Solar Panel:


Coal Condenser:

Coal Generator

Uranium Generator

Stove Recipes
Below are the recipes for the Stove. The stove has five slots, Base, Main, Extra, Energy, and Liquid. The liquid slot is unused for now and will be repurposed later. But you only need to worry about Base, Main, Extra, and Energy. For every time your Stove is used, it will consume one energy. If you wish to double the duration of a meal while cooking the correct recipe for a said meal, put "Salt" in the Extra slot.

Beef Bowl = Raw Beef (Base) + Wheat (Main)
Chicken Noodle Soup = Raw Chicken (Base) + Wheat (Main)
Fish Sticks = Raw Fish (Base) + Wheat (Main)
Omelette = Egg (Base) + Butter (Main)
Doge Bread = Doge Head (Base) + Wheat (Main)
Using the Generator
The Generator is the only way to obtain Energy to power The Stove and Coal Condenser. Below is the conversion rate of accepted resources to Energy.

15 Coal = 1 Energy
20 Wheat = 1 Energy
6 Animal Fat = 1 Energy
Crude Oil (Bucket) = 5 Energy
Uranium = 10 Energy
Coal Condenser
The Coal Condenser is an electrical device that slowly converts Coal into Diamonds. Through waiting for a few real-world minutes, the device will convert coal to a single diamond, using 15 Energy in the process.

Other features of the mod also include the Boomer mob, a mob that spawns at night. Dropping Human Flesh, the Boomer can also drop Boomerite, when crafting into tools or sword starts with an automatic enchantment of either Fortune or Power.

Silver can also be used to make only two items, either an Axe or a Sword. When crafted, the item is automatically enchanted with Smite V.

Credit for the Boomer Skin
Both component textures are from the game Rimworld
The Human Flesh textures are from the game Rust
Images of Obama, Doge, all those memes go to their own respective owners :)
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

4 Update Logs

Meme Garbage 2.3.1 : by TheQueenQuck 12/30/2019 10:05:43 amDec 30th, 2019

After posting this update, I will be looking towards updating the mod for 1.14.

*Changed the Bronze tool names
*Changed the Component crafting recipe
*Changed the Advanced Component crafting recipe.

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11/29/2019 11:12 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragon
MarkSarmite's Avatar
11/27/2019 2:03 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
IndyJacksonTT's Avatar
I've been waiting for this mod my entire life!
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