Minecraft Mods

[DISCONTINUED][Windows/Mac] LutzBlox's Mod Maker (Compiles for Forge)

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LutzBlox's Avatar LutzBlox
Level 51 : Grandmaster Baconator
Due to lack of time to work on this program, I will no longer be able to work on the mod maker. Sorry for any inconviences this may cause!

Giraffestock will be continuing the mod maker, so you could check his page for updates.

PLEASE NOTE: Mods made with this mod maker MAY NOT be posted on Planet Minecraft or the Minecraft Forums!

LutzBlox's Mod Maker is a Minecraft mod maker that compiles for Minecraft Forge. It only currently has the ability to create blocks and items, but many more features are planned. LutzBlox's Mod Maker has a save/load ability, handy for saving your incomplete mods to finish another time, but currently no edit feature. The edit feature is planned for the next update. You can delete things, though. LutzBlox's Mod Maker also has a nice user interface that is easy to understand. The files are generated at the click of a button, and the files are compiled easily as well (see the tutorials on the site (or below) for how-to).

LutzBlox's Mod Maker is currently only in Alpha, which means it is not complete. Features will be added over time, and the overall program will improve.

If you need help getting started, you can look at the tutorials below.

Please note: The tutorials below are for a Windows computer. For Macs, things may be different. The basics should be the same, but some things are probably different.
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Setting Up

Setting up LutzBlox's Mod Maker is not hard at all. Simply download the jar file, then save it somewhere. Then, go there and open it by double-clicking on it.

Creating A Mod

Before you add blocks/items/etc., you must first specify a mod name (you can change this at any time) and a starting block/item id (1000-4500). Then, click Set Name/Id. This will unlock the New Block/New Item buttons. Then, you can click these to add a new component to your mod.

Setting Up an MCMod.Info

An MCMod.Info file can help identify your mod. With an MCMod.Info file, your mod will have all of its information within the Mods button on the homepage. To set up an MCMod.Info file, simply go to Set Up > Set Up MCMod.Info. This will bring up a window asking for a mod name (may have spaces), a creator (you), an image (that displays under your mod in the Mods button), and a description. When all of these are filled out, click Set Up. These values are saved by the mod maker to be used in generation. Keep in mind, you may change these values at any time.

Exporting a Mod

To generate the files from your mod, simply click the Generate Files button or click Generate Files under the File menu. Then, select the directory you want the mod to export to.

Compiling a Mod

Compiling is not done automatically, but can done easily. Go to the Forge Downloads page and download the latest source (src) release for the version of Minecraft the mod maker is for. Then, export the zip file to somewhere on your computer. Find it and run install.bat. This will install Forge. Then, enter the mcp folder inside the forge folder. Go to src, then to minecraft. Find your exported mod. Go inside the generation folder on the exported mod. You should find a mods folder. Copy this into the minecraft folder inside the src folder of the force source. Then, go back out of the src folder. You should see a file called Recompile.bat. Run this. Then run Reobfuscate.bat. To get your reobfuscated (compiled) mod, go inside the reobf folder and then into minecraft.


To ready your mod for distribution, drag the mods folder from the minecraft folder inside reobf into a zip file. Then, go back to your mod export location. If you set up an MCMod.Info file, drag that in with the mods folder as well as your image for the MCMod.Info file. Then, to get your textures, go inside your generation folder there and find the assets folder. Drag it into the zip file.


To install your mod, you first need to get the latest universal version of Forge from here. You will also need an archiving program such as 7zip or Winrar (Google is your friend). Then, go to your .minecraft folder. Go to bin, then right-click minecraft.jar. Select Open With, and then your archiving program. Then, drag all of the Minecraft Forge files into the jar. Close the jar. Then, return to your .minecraft folder. Create a folder called 'mods'. Drag your mod (zipped), into it.

Progress35% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.2

5 Update Logs

DISCONTINUED : by LutzBlox 01/20/2014 10:27:27 pmJan 20th, 2014

Stopped work

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01/29/2016 9:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Maroki06 is right MCreator is way better.
01/29/2016 9:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I tried to download it & it said RESTRICTED!!!???? WHYYYYYY!!!!
09/10/2015 11:37 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Maroki06's Avatar
MCreator is better
12/22/2015 11:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RosalinaFan573's Avatar
Actually all of the mod makers suck because they are restrictive. I make mods in pure Java code and so should you.
09/09/2017 10:37 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Maroki06's Avatar
well i can't code in java
i prefer python
06/05/2015 6:11 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Pig
MrZPig's Avatar
Mod I made doesn't want to install
01/14/2015 7:49 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Sailor
tomatotownn's Avatar
Version 1.7.10 please!
06/17/2015 1:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Infinistone's Avatar
Do you know? u can use 1.7.2 mod even if u using 1.7.10 forge..
06/17/2015 1:21 am
Level 39 : Artisan Sailor
tomatotownn's Avatar
Really... Interesting
11/07/2014 8:54 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Modder
123lolrh's Avatar
What's the point of this if we can't post this mod for public?
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