Minecraft Mods

LegendryCraft Universal Pre-Beta 0.15 for Minecraft 1.7.2

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tommyte's Avatar tommyte
Level 47 : Master Explorer
This mod will provide you with awesome new content for minecraft 1.7.2!

Spoiler - click to reaveal information about the current mod
Currently in this mod:

-EnderPorter: On rightclick it will launch a enderpearl for you. It has 128 uses and will save you up to 8 inventory slots for enderpearls. It's dropped by an enderman with a 10% chanche.

-Ghast on a Stick: On rightclick it will consume a firecharche from your inventory to launch off a ghast fireball. It has increased explosion radius for extra damage. It's dropped by a ghast with a 40% chanche and it has 128 uses.

-FireShield: If you have this item in your ninth hotbar slot, it will provide you with fireprotection so you can swim in lava succesfully :). It is dropped by a blaze with a 10% chanche. It has infinite uses.

-Sticky Glove: If you have this item in your ninth hotbar slot, it will give you the abbility to climc up wall just like spiders. It is dropped by normal spiders with a 8% chanche. It has infinite uses.

-Zeus' Pants: These pants will provide you with the ability to fly whenever you got it equipped. You can get it by sacrificing a certain amount of items into the Altar.

-Altar: You can sacrifice items like bones, rotten flesh, gunpowder and string, but also items like diamonds, gold and iron ingots! The Altar will be zapped with lightning and then awesome new items will appear inside of your inventory. The crafting recipe is under the crafting recipes tab below.

Spoiler - click to reveal how to install
How to install:

1-Launch minecraft 1.7.2
2-Download minecraftforge 1.7.2 installer ( http://adf.ly/673885/http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.7.2-
3-Install on client
4-Go to "%appdata%"
5-Open  your .minecraft folder
6-Create a new folder here and call it "mods"
7-Download LegendryCraft
8-Place the jave file of LegendryCraft inside your mods folder
9-Go to the minecraft launcher
10-Click on profiles, and select "forge"
11-Launch minecraft

Spoiler - click to reveal crafting recipes

Spoiler - click to reveal future plans
Future plans:

I'm planning on adding a god praising system to the mod wich will provide you with awesome abbilities you can call. Also calling the god itself to kill it and get it's special item should become possible in one of the next releases. This mod will be bases off of the acient Greek mythology. Like the name currently suggests it will add some more legendary items to the game and add more mobs who drop them.

Spoiler - click to reveal known buggs
Known buggs:

-Sometimes the Zeus's Pants don't work right away, you need to look at your inventory to make it work again.
Credittommyte, gamester3_0
Progress20% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by tommyte 03/25/2014 10:17:16 amMar 25th, 2014

-changed: the way altars work, they can accept more items and give better items in return regarding to the item you sacrificed.
-fixed: a bug where the enderporter, fireshield, ghast on a stick and sticky golve would drop way more frequently then intended.

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04/30/2014 5:07 pm
Level 23 : Expert Nerd
Soren11112's Avatar
i made a mod review and have a diamond
03/29/2014 9:32 am
Level 46 : Master Blob
Gegy's Avatar
Strange how this isn't getting that much recognition, have a diamond. :)
03/25/2014 11:48 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KendogDevelops's Avatar
Thank god! A good mod thats not stolen! Awesome btw :D
03/23/2014 1:12 am
Level 27 : Expert Dolphin
Paser3333's Avatar
Would you like a mod review video of this? Please refer to: http://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/have-mod-that-you-want-reviewed-click-t377675.html if you would like one!
03/24/2014 10:53 am
Level 47 : Master Explorer
tommyte's Avatar
No thx,
Some one else just made one for me :)
03/19/2014 5:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheKingpaez's Avatar
i can do a review of your mod in spanish pilsss !!!
03/20/2014 5:00 am
Level 47 : Master Explorer
tommyte's Avatar
if you want to, sure do it.
03/08/2014 11:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CommandoGamin's Avatar
Well a lot of potential for AMAZIng content and maybe some new dimensions.

03/04/2014 6:24 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Mage
DiabolusNeil's Avatar
Umm.. there's two folders in the assets folder and one's the mod name but misspelled. Other than that, nice work so far!
03/04/2014 6:33 pm
Level 47 : Master Explorer
tommyte's Avatar
Strange, I can't find it in my own files. But OK, thx :D
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