Minecraft Mods

ImpossiCraft - A Hardcore Minecraft Mod

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Peashooter101's Avatar Peashooter101
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
FIRST NOTE: This version is old. Please visit BluePikminFan's Minecraft Forums post (Link under downloads) to download the newest version. I do not have time to edit this post and ask BluePikmin about any new features. Sorry for the inconvinience but I am also making my own mod. I have to code my own mod by myself, go to school and do school stuff, and the normal stuff I do in my life. LOL Sorry, I might even delete this post. Remember to go to BluePikmin's Minecraft Forums Post to download the newest version and see whats new.

Please Note: I had full permission from BluePikminFan to upload his mod to Planet Minecraft. Full Mod Creation Credit goes to BluePikminFan and I take no credit in the creation of this mod. I have only created banners I have signed and this forum post. To visit BluePikmin's post of this mod, you must go to Minecraft Forums and find his mod, ImpossiCraft. Have fun and I wish you the best of luck. Your going to need it. Mod is 100% complete for a good release but BluePikmin is planning a ton of features for future updates so make sure you subscribe to this thread or follow it or something so that you can get updates.


The ImpossiCraft Mod is a game that adds almost NO NEW ITEMS to the game but shows a new aspect of Hardcore Minecraft Gaming.

Overview: ImpossiCraft is a Hardcore Mod that adds new features to certain items and enhances mobs including animals. The only thing that is added to Minecraft is an entity (although, at the moment, extremely buggy). This mod works on Single Player, Local LAN, and Hamachi LAN.

Mod is created for Minecraft 1.4.7 and is BluePikminFan's Second Mod.

ImpossiCraft (3) is the updated version of ImpossiCraft that was posted in MediaFire.


Click to reveal

- Animals: If aggrivated, they will ruthlessly attack you. Similar to Zombie Pigmen. Should you aggrivate them, the best solution is to run. They pack a punch, especially in groups, doing about 3 hearts of damage. Now you need armor to get food because without armor, chances are you would die since animals naturally spawn in a group.

- Mobs Overall: All mobs (monsters, squids, and animals) have had their stats enhanced. Their health is much higher and they are much stronger. All mobs now fight back, even the animals, should you attack any mob. All passive mobs have been turned into neutral mobs. To face any mob, you will need armor. Even in Peaceful Mode, you are not safe from ImpossiCraft.

- Zombie Infection: You will now be infected by zombies. When melee hit by a zombie, you will be inflicted with Hunger Effect. Level and Duration is unknown to me. YOU FIND OUT!

- Skeleton Riders: Skeletons have become insane. Now skeletons can ride on other skeletons instead of just spiders but that's not all. They can also ride on Slimes, Zombie Pigmen, Squids, Cows, Enderman, and more! You may even see a Creeper Double Jockey: A Skeleton riding a Skeleton who rides a Creeper. You are no longer safe at night. BUG FIXED: They no longer spawn in the morning except in water.

- Riding Mobs: You can ride more than just a saddled pig now! You can ride on Squids and Cows! The good thing about the squid is that you get Water Breathing for 1 minute every time you mount it! Also, you can make it rise to the surface by hitting it a ton of times (Squids have a lot of health!). You would need a suicidal person if you want the cow to go where you want it to go. Have that suicidal Minecrafter hit the cow, you mount the cow and the cow follows the person who hit it. It is a good way to travel!

- Slimes: In a newer update, Slimes spawned in the Swamp Biomes. ImpossiCraft changes that and slimes now can spawn ANYWHERE in the world. Slimes also can spawn inside your own house if your unlucky enough. You are probably going to die from slimes rather than by any mob. NEW FEATURE: They now inflict Slowness 5 upon hitting you!

- Snow Golems: They have turned. They no longer work for you! These Snow Golems will now shoot you with snowballs at the same rate they used to. They will shoot you causing you 1/2 to 1 heart of damage. Overall in groups, they are deadly and hard to escape. They melt in water. Who knows why?

- Witches: Now can be found all over the place! These have been changed similar to every other mob but they now spawn anywhere with the spawn rate of zombies.

- NEW MOB: HEROBRINE: Yes, the evil Herobrine thought this mod was ruthless and decided to make your lives even worse. He is only spawned by an altar, wears golden armor, and wants to eat your heart out.

Mob Information:
  • Health: 10k Hearts (20k Hit Points)
  • Damage Dealt: 25 Hearts of Damage Naturally. He wields a diamond pickaxe which adds to his 25 heart damage.
  • Special: Blindness for 5 Seconds when hit by him. Does not take damage from explosions and explodes when hit by player. Has Fire Resistance Potion Effect.
  • Mob Association: He attacks Villagers and the Villagers also attack him back.
  • Drops: 64 Diamonds, 64 Iron, 64 Gold, 64 Emeralds, 64 Obsidian, 1 Red Apple, 1 Record (11)
  • Drop Chance: All Items dropped by Herobrine have a 100% chance of dropping.
  • Spawning: This altar made for spawning is shown as indicated. Please note that under the pillar is soulsand (it's hidden by the pillar) and the fire MUST be lit last.

- Giants: They fall from the sky in the area where you made the "golem" and have 250 Hearts. Snow Golems are made by Snow - Snow - Pumpkin, The Giants are made by SoulSand - Dirt - Pumpkin.

Item Features
- Stone Tools: Instead of being Cobblestone Tools, they are Stone Tools. Yes, you make the tools from stone instead of cobblestone.

Other Features and Tips
- TIP: Use the slimeballs! They could save your life! Also because you would be fighting slimes or find slimeballs on the ground because of the fact that in ImpossiCraft, slimes spawn everywhere and can potentially spawn in your house.

Planned Features
- Notch: The brother of Herobrine is coming to ImpossiCraft. He is hopefully going to be added as a Peaceful mob towards you and attack Herobrine.

Mod Bugs and Problems:
- Forge Unloaded: For some unknown reason, this mod is incompatible with forge. Although, I haven't tested this out, BluePikmin says that it is incompatible. I had once been able to load an old version with Forge Universal. He did not specify which forge doesn't work. I will later test on which forge versions do not work.

Alternate Downloads
MINECRAFT FORUMS: Minecraft Forums Link This link brings you to BluePikminFan's Post. He may or may not have the same version as me but it is hard to update me with his mod if he is offline on Hamachi. Him and I talk and chat over Hamachi.

SUPPORT BluePikminFan's Hardcore Mod!
Supporting the Mod

Supporting BluePikminFan:

Support BluePikminFan by using one of these banners and linking it to this forum post.


Enderman ImpossiCraft Banner

Squid Riding ImpossiCraft Banner
CreditBluePikminFan - Mod Creator
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.4.7

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03/05/2013 11:21 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
RandomMiner00's Avatar
Impossicraft + DivineRPG = Challenge Excepted XD!
03/05/2013 11:15 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Peashooter101's Avatar
Good luck with that xD also visit his post for latest version. I dont think I will be updating this post anytime soon.
03/05/2013 11:22 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
RandomMiner00's Avatar
thegreenrat 12
02/05/2013 11:06 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
thegreenrat 12's Avatar
thank you for fixing it I got it to work and diamonds to you for this cool mod
02/05/2013 6:35 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Peashooter101's Avatar
Well diamond me. Although go visit BluePikminFan's Profile to say Hi and comment on this epic mod that HE MADE! At the top I had said that I am not the creator of this mod although got 100% permission to post it here on PMC. He plans to post it on Minecraft Forums which I will link this post to later on because he wants to set up an adfly link. If you would like to support him, I can link you to his adfly and you can help him get some money :/
Remember I take no credit in the development of his mod. I may have suggested a thing or two but didnt develop any aspects and only helped him test it out.
thegreenrat 12
02/02/2013 9:01 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
thegreenrat 12's Avatar
i say the download is unsafe pls fix
02/04/2013 7:05 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Peashooter101's Avatar
Fixed your problem, you can now download this mod from 3 Sources:

- Planet Minecraft Link
- Dropbox Link
- MediaFire Link
02/03/2013 7:30 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Peashooter101's Avatar
Unsafe? What do you mean? I just directly uploaded it to PMC. Do you mean I should link it to an another downloading site like MediaFire? If that is the case then I will but I need your response or the response of someone else for me to do so.
thegreenrat 12
02/02/2013 9:00 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
thegreenrat 12's Avatar
I am going to try it
Planet Minecraft


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