Minecraft Mods

IDTranslate 1.0

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KurodaAkira's Avatar KurodaAkira
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer

This mod was requested by a friend and is really simple.
It provides one new item tooltip: The Item's Identifier (for example "minecarft:dirt" for dirt)
and adds a new chat command:

"/TranslateID" - can also be written as "/translateid", "transid", "translateitem", "transitem"
It has three way to be used:
1. "/translateid <id>" - Use a valid id of an item here to get the Identifier
2. "/translateid <identifier> - Use a valid identifier (ModID:Itemname) - or (Minecraft:Itemname) [CASE SENSETIVE]
3. "/translateid" - If sued without arguments it will give you both, the ID and Identifier of the item you currently have in your hands

I know this mod does not do much, but was requested and easy to use.
So I thought to do it properly and maybe there is someone else out there who needs this.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

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12/12/2015 11:16 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Alien
papertazer's Avatar
I'm in no way trying to put down this mod, but doesn't F3 + H do this?
12/13/2015 5:30 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Programmer
KurodaAkira's Avatar
I'm not actively playing MC so I wouldn't know. I jsut got asked to do it so i did x)
12/15/2015 5:22 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Alien
papertazer's Avatar
Haha no worries, I don't play it either, I just mod for the fun of it.  I just remembered that shortcut for some reason
12/13/2015 10:32 am
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Almedin_De's Avatar
Yes it does. That's it, don't know why to download/install such a mod, when you can use the Vanilla Mc ;).
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