Minecraft Mods

{Hunter X Hunter Mod} HunterX

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izako666's Avatar izako666
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
Hello! I'm making a hunter x hunter mod for Minecraft 1.15.2, along with a few others, and we plan to fully flesh out the world of HxH in Minecraft to enhance basic survival as well as playing with your friends with Nen and unique skills. The mod is currently still in heavy development and we want to work on other aspects of the mod to make it a more enjoyable experience playing it and not simply be a Nen simulator. Please follow our progress, report bugs, and communicate what you want in the mod so we can do our best! Below are links to our curse where you can download our latest versions to test out as well as our discord to stay informed on all our updates and plans.




We are also In need of textures/structures so if you're interested please contact me in the discord server.

Most Recent Changelog

Items and entities were untouched for the most part aside from some trivial bugfixes I can't remember.
Nen is finally in this mod in a sort of alpha state, it's not really what you'd expect of nen, no there is no hatsu none of the "fun" stuff is really in but what is in is the 4 abilities. Ko,Ren,Ten,Zetsu.
Ko: ko is just a passive ability that makes you punch harder
Ren: a passive ability that shrowds you in aura and gives you armor and attack.
Ten: a passive ability that shrowds you in aura and gives you armor.
Zetsu: a passive ability that doesn't fulfill its purpose in the original show which is to hide presence
but that wont really be useful until theres some sort of ability to sense presence, what it does do however is make your aura regen faster.

Quests now have a new dialogue system so they no longer speak through vanilla chat system, the dialogue system happens on a gui so you can just outright leave the chat by pressing esc, or clicking on the screen to fastforward the current line.

Commands: I made a generic /hntrx command that will be used for every command of this mod similar to /forge, currently the only command you can use is a debug command which is /hntrx ability give <user> <abilityname> which gives you the ability, you will be able to see the ability but anyone who isnt a nen user cant see it. and you wont be able to see others abilities.
in order to become a nen user you must get all the abilities survival style, by becoming a hunter.

the Hunter gui which is accessed by pressing R will open the character creator if its your initial press, pick your aura color and click create.
after that you can access the hunter gui which has almost the same stuff except one new tab. the "abilities" tab where if you have any abilities
you can equip them by simply pressing on it and picking a number from 1 to 8 to signify which keybind you want to attach it to. after that if you want
to use the ability just have your hand on the activate button and press the number your ability is attached to.

Progress5% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.15

3 Update Logs

Version 0.3 update : by izako666 12/31/2020 12:18:44 pmDec 31st, 2020


Now after the hunter exam you will have to talk to Wing to get more quests and finish them to gain nen abilities.

All nen abilities usages' are explained in their description, here is a brief list of all the abilities in the game:
Ten, Ren, Gyo, Zetsu, In, En, Ryu: Defense, Ryu: Offense, Shu, Ko, Ken
We also have basic hatsus that every player is capable of learning:
Aura Enhancement, Loyalty Curse, Ultimate Tool, Aura Blast, Sharpen Aura
Character Hatsus {
Gon: Jajanken:Gu (rock),Jajanken:Pa (paper), Jajanken:sci (scissors)
Killua: lightning palm, thunderbolt, lightning speed, whirlwind
Leorio: Lock on, Emitter Punch, Pants Stealer

Some abilities are a bit confusing so this is to clear those odd ones out:

En: if you charge en to the max it will provide more info in the form of a GUI.
Ryu: Defense and Ryu: Offense: they are both different versions of Ryu, one focuses on defense and the other focuses on offense
Loyalty Curse: sometimes this ability doesn't recognize the animal in front of you, just keep trying
Thunderbolt: the first time you use this ability you jump high, the second time you use the ability a lightning bolt will cast down from under you.

Lock-on: YOU NEED TO LOCK ON to someone in order to use leorios abilities on them lock on works like loyalty curse.

ABILITIES - How to use

1. go to the hunter GUI by pressing R
2. go to the abilities section
3. select an ability
4. select its desired slot number on your keyboard
5. if that slot already has an ability on it, simply select that slot on your keyboard and it'll remove itself
6. leave the hunter GUI
7. select your wanted ability by click G and scrolling through the abilities (click g to stop scrolling)
8. press F to activate the ability (if its a charging ability keep your hand on F for however long you'd like)

Hunter Exam - How to start your journey
1. go to wing and talk to him and take the quiz
2. find the blimp and talk to the examiner
3. keep doing quests with the examiner until you get your hunter card

Nen Divination
One of the quests will ask you to find out your nen type, simply craft the divination cup and place it, then active ren or ten, then right-click it. That will be your nen type for that world and will not change.

We've heard your concerns and:
1. I've added a /hntrx locate_blimp command that locates the blimp if it has been generated
2. wing now spawns the same way thugs do, he's a bit rarer than thugs but should still be easier to find than before.
3. the changes in the way the ability system is cast was because of concerns from the players about the problems of the old system.

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04/02/2020 8:42 am
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
izako666's Avatar
the new 0.2.0 version is out for 1.14.4 check it out in the curseforge link!
10/25/2019 7:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Xxking882xX's Avatar
Est-ce que tu pourrais faire une version pour 1.7.10 ?
09/12/2019 5:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RealDeca's Avatar
This would be so coool! Please make it happen!
08/30/2019 12:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Vnity's Avatar
I really look forward to how this turns out!
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