Minecraft Mods

[1.10-1.12] Horse Rapid Transit (HRT) - The Instant Structure "Vanilla Mod"

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flashteens's Avatar flashteens
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer


If you are an adventure map maker and you would design a high speed expressway, this instant structure set, or called also a "vanilla mod", totally fits you!

Based on my previous work Horse Expressway in my main Minecraft world, this work is designed for you to build the Horse Rapid Transit (HRT) in a super fast way!


  • Works in all Vanilla Minecraft versions 1.10+, 1.11+, and 1.12.
  • 129+ instant structures including:
    • The main factory structure (i.e. the main interface)
      • Compactness: 7x5x7 in the size for itself
      • Convenience: All relative position and size settings for the "load-mode" structure blocks are properly set. Follow the guide as described below, and you will understand the way to build the HRT system with this "mod".

    • Straight, diagonal lines, and curves (radius of curvature: 100 blocks) in every rotation
      • With the use of structure void, you may easily extend the roads without any concerns that some previously built parts were to be unexpectedly removed due to boundary problems.
      • See also: this showcase video, for how to build up the roads.
      • Supports bridges, ground paths, and tunnels

    • The station (the most important part of this tool)
      • 6 types of horse speeds are available, with the maximum speed of 240 KPH (150 MPH).
      • Horse remover, the clickable signs on the station platform
      • Command-driven elevators
      • Really compact: the size is only 11x3x3.

    • Trash can
    • [Coming soon] Tree remover command blocks
    • [Coming soon] Water/lava remover/replacing commands

  • Easy in installation

How to install this "vanilla mod"

  1. Download and unzip the ZIP file from the download link.
  2. Copy the entire folder structures/ into your desired world save directory.
    • In Windows, the world save directory is accessible via: %appdata%/.minecraft/saves/YourProjectFolder/
    • See also on the official post for other operating systems.

  3. Open the world save in Minecraft, and type the following command to get the structure block:
    • /give @p minecraft:structure_block

  4. Place the structure block, switch to "load mode", and type the structure name HRTFactory (for 1.10.x) or HRTFactory11 (for 1.11+ and 1.12) in the dialog.
    • It's suggested NOT to rotate the structure to avoid some misplacing or command-related issues.

  5. Click on the "Load" button on the dialog, and there should be cuboid boundaries showing above the structure block.
  6. Open the dialog again, and click on the "Load" button. Then, you may see the Factory structure loaded in your map!

Copyright Issues

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 License. Feel free to use this tool in your Minecraft world as long as:
  • You credit me as the provider of this tool.
  • No commercial use.

[1.10-1.12] Horse Rapid Transit (HRT) - The Instant Structure "Vanilla Mod" Minecraft Mod
Progress50% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.10

1 Update Logs

Update #1: It's NO PROBLEM for you to directly use the old 1.11 version of this tool into 1.12! : by flashteens 06/20/2017 1:13:30 amJun 20th, 2017

Besides, here's a new YouTube video showing the way to use this tool in an existing city map "City of Newisle" by Blip Noir. Look how cool it is! And, let's also try this awesome tool in your Minecraft map! :)

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12/06/2019 11:51 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
Tokusan1's Avatar
It is great!
09/17/2018 10:51 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
ThatOneBuilderGuy's Avatar
PLEASE Make This Work For 1.13!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?????!?!?!
09/12/2018 10:07 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
ThatOneBuilderGuy's Avatar

Can u make this work wit 1.13

10/23/2016 4:01 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Nerd
Dlljs's Avatar
Pop Reel! (I.e. You're famous!)

10/24/2016 8:01 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
flashteens's Avatar
Wow! Thanks for your support! :D
10/22/2016 7:25 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Crafter
PotatoBeenCrafted's Avatar
I don't believe these are classed as mods, more of projects.
10/22/2016 10:54 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
flashteens's Avatar
Thanks for your suggestion. But I didn't know how to classify this work since it can be a general tool for map builders. Though in fact it solely consists of structures, the reason it works depends much on the commands written in the "station" structure, which can be considered as scripting codes, so I called it a "Vanilla mod". I currently classify this work in PMC as a "mod" in order to show that it is indeed a useful tool for any map projects or servers in 1.10 or above.
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