Minecraft Mods

Hex's Bronze Mod [NeoForge]

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HexTheSlime's Avatar HexTheSlime
Level 4 : Apprentice Modder
What is Hex's Bronze Mod?

Hex's Bronze Mod is a mod developed by Hex (A.K.A HexTheSlime or HexGaming_). The mod adds a new material, Bronze, which can be crafted by first combining two Raw Iron and two Raw Copper into Raw Bronze, which can then be smelted into Bronze Ingots and used as you would any other ingot.

The mod was fully textured by my friend, although they do not wish for their name to be known publically.

Newest Version Changelog (v1.0.1)
  • Raw Bronze can now be crafted even if the Raw Iron and Raw Copper are switched out in the recipe.
  • The Bronze Block is now properly listed in the creative menu.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Will more content be added?
A: Other than minor bug fixes and new version ports, no. The mod is fully finished in it's current state and will no longer receive major updates.
Q: Does this mod function with other mods?
A: Unless you have a mod that uses the same recipes as our mod, no.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me in the comments.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.4

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