Minecraft Mods

habitable end mod snapshot

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danjhop's Avatar danjhop
Level 57 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
adds a new type of leaves for my habitable end data pack and a version of iron ore for the end and a new type of fruit (apples values) not done yet with making the mod
fabric mod first real mod got a few English sets in but not all if you want a translation message me with the file name and your translation code
its for this datapack habitable end Minecraft Data Pack (planetminecraft.com)
the endrus leaves have a lightlevel of 15
sorry about the bad textures not good at textures

added some in work stuff no way to feature toggle
and endrus logs and planks craft the planks with one log
worldgen datapack is now builtin
adds end temples with a new type of wood endrus wood that gives light level 15
and trees and iron ore in ground in endstone
warped endrus trees are in end highlands
moving models to there own textures may break will fix when i can
endrus and warped endrus sapling you get them in the temple chests and trees
you plant them on end stone
you can compost endrus fruit
will add saplings to showcase
added netherite smithing template and ingot to end city loot
added endite a tool set and armor with double netherite stats you upgrade from netherite with endite ingots and a template
you can craft endrus sticks and warped endrus sticks with the same as normal sticks but with that type of wood
you can make astone cutter that you can also use end stone instead of stone to craft
you craft ingots from iron ingots and endite shards
ladders i am working on they are crafted with the endrus sticks and warped endrus sticks
enderbara mob is bread with endrus fruit
textures are work in progress by a a random carno
you can use any stick type in craft some may be missing I am working on that
pictures are out of date still changing textures
this is a fabric mod
there are bookshelf’s crafting tables fletching tables and cartography tables and smithing tables
CreditA random carno
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21

111 Update Logs

Update #111 : by danjhop 07/06/2024 12:48:20 pmJul 6th

added tinted framed glass
added placeholder fletching table and cartography table textures

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06/23/2024 9:14 pm
He/Him • Level 1 : New Explorer
Ima_b0t's Avatar
I don't know how to download this, it doesn't go to my game and goes to my Google drive instead.
06/25/2024 12:06 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
danjhop's Avatar
idk put it in mods folder
05/14/2024 4:08 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Crafter
1kick234too's Avatar
I'd be willing to help you with the textures if you want, just hit me up on discord
05/15/2024 5:14 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
danjhop's Avatar
Already have a offer
02/29/2024 8:14 am
Level 39 : Artisan Explorer
Weltin's Avatar
How did you create the mod?
03/01/2024 12:18 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
danjhop's Avatar
by hand no ide just notepad
03/03/2024 3:06 am
Level 39 : Artisan Explorer
Weltin's Avatar
so you dont use sth like mcreator?
03/04/2024 12:46 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
danjhop's Avatar
no mcreator just notepad
or any of the proper programs like a ide
03/05/2024 12:28 am
Level 39 : Artisan Explorer
Weltin's Avatar
ok good to know
02/27/2024 12:41 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Nether Knight
danjhop's Avatar
smithing table gui are messed up had to restart on that
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