Minecraft Mods

Guilds Plugin

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PearsonWright's Avatar PearsonWright
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pirate
Guilds Plugin Minecraft Mod

[size=6%]TEST SERVER:

The Guilds Plugin is the most frequently updated, popular, and widely used Guilds plugin in existence. Our plugin allows players to join interactive groups of other players, and forge their own communities on your server, and compete with other guilds for dominance and control. It's time to ditch Factions. Guilds are here!Guilds Plugin Minecraft Mod
Guild Info
Guilds Plugin Minecraft Mod

Create Guild

Leave Guild

  • Fully Customizeable roles which allow for greater flexibility and specialization for your server. Ex: You can change the name of the Guild Master rank to King, or Lord. Additionally, you can also customize the permissions for each role in the plugin's config file.

  • Customizeable prefixes which allow you to customize a player's guild prefix to provide for a greater sense of identity/allegiance to said guild.

  • Scoreboard option to display player's guild stats on the default MC scoreboard or Maximvdw's featherboard.

  • Auto-checker which prompts the server owner to update the plugin whenever a new update is released here on Spigot.

  • Guild chat filter which lets all players within a specified guild use their own unique guild chat which can only be viewed by people in said guild.

  • Notification system which notifies you whenever a member within your guild logs online, or offline.


#The prefix of all messages send by this plugin to a player
plugin-prefix: "&a[Guilds]"

check: true

# Minimum length of guild names
min-length: 1
# Maximum length of guild names
max-length: 64
# RegEx (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression) used to only allow certain characters (default only allows alphanumeric characters)
regex: "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*{param}quot;

# Minimum length of the guild prefixes
min-length: 1
# Maximum length of the guild prefixes
max-length: 8
# RegEx (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression) used to only allow certain characters (default only allows alphanumeric characters)
regex: "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*{param}quot;
# Set the format for the prefix
format: "&c[{prefix}] "

name: "GuildMaster"
chat: true
invite: true
kick: true
promote: true
demote: true
change-prefix: true
change-master: true
remove-guild: true
name: "Officer"
chat: true
invite: true
kick: true
promote: true
demote: true
change-prefix: false
change-master: false
remove-guild: false
name: "Veteran"
chat: true
invite: true
kick: false
promote: false
demote: false
change-prefix: false
change-master: false
remove-guild: false
name: "Member"
chat: true
invite: false
kick: false
promote: false
demote: false
change-prefix: false
change-master: false
remove-guild: false

# Set to -1 to disable
max-members: 64

# Enable or disable custom chat formatting for players who are in a guild
enable: true
# Custom chat format (only applied when the setting above is set to true)
# - "{guild}" is replaced with the guild prefix
# - "%s" (First) is replaced with the player's name
# - "%s" (Second) is replaced with the player's message
format: "{guild} <%s>: %s"

# Enable or disable scoreboard which handles friendly fire, prefixes and guild invisibility
enable: false
# Enable or disable friendly fire
friendly-fire: false
# Enable or disable being able to see invisible guild members
see-invisible: true

# Set the type of the database (Either JSON or MySQL)
type: JSON
# Uncomment when using MySQL
# host: ""
# port: 3306
# username: "root"
# password: "password"
## Note: Database needs to be created manually
# database: "guilds"
# pool-size: 10

console: "&cThis command can only be executed by a player!"
args: "&cInvalid arguments! See /guilds help for more information"
permission: "&cYou don't have permission to do that!"
not-found: "&cCommand not found! See /guilds help for all commands"
no-guild: "&cYou're not in a guild!"
not-guildmaster: "&cYou're not the Guild Master of this guild"
invalid_number: "&c{input} is not a valid number!"
already-in-guild: "&cYou're already in a guild!"
player-not-found: "&cPlayer '{player}' does not exist or is not online!"
player-not-in-guild: "&cPlayer '{player}' is not in your guild!"
invalid-role: "&cRole '{input}' does not exist!"
guild-not-found: "&cGuild '{input}' cannot be found!"
role-no-permission: "&cYour role is not high enough to do that!"
message: "&f/{command} {arguments} &7- &f{description}"
next-page: "&7See /guilds help {next-page} for the next page"
invalid-page: "&cPage not found!"
players: "{player} - {role}"
successful: "&aGuild '{guild}' created successfully!"
cancelled: "&cGuild creation cancelled!"
warning: "&cType /guilds confirm to create your guild, type /guilds cancel to cancel."
error: "&cSomething went wrong while creating your guild!"
requirements: "&cYour guild's name does not match the requirements! You can only use alphanumeric characters and the length of the name cannot exceed 64"
guild-name-taken: "&cThis name is already taken!"
successful: "&aDeleted '{guild}' successfully!"
cancelled: "&cGuild deletion cancelled!"
warning: "&cType /guilds confirm to delete your guild, type /guilds cancel to cancel."
error: "&cSomething went wrong while deleting your guild!"
header: "Information for {guild}"
name: "Name: {guild} (Prefix: {prefix})"
master: "Guild Master: {master}"
member-count: "Current amount of members: {members}/64"
rank: "Your rank: {rank}"
promoted: "&aYou've been promoted from {old-rank} to {new-rank}!"
successful: "&aYou've successfully promoted {player} from {old-rank} to {new-rank}!"
cannot-promote: "&cThis player cannot be promoted any further!"
not-promotion: "&cYou aren't promoting this player!"
promoted: "&cYou've been demoted from {old-rank} to {new-rank}!"
successful: "&aYou've successfully demoted {player} from {old-rank} to {new-rank}!"
cannot-demote: "&cThis player cannot be demoted any further!"
not-demotion: "&cYou aren't demoting this player!"
message: "&7&lGuild Chat> &r[{role}] {player}: {message}"
not-invited: "&cYou aren't invited for this guild!"
guild-full: "&cThis guild is full!"
successful: "&aYou joined guild '{guild}' successfully"
player-joined: "&aPlayer '{player}' joined your guild!"
message: "&a{player} has invited you to his/her guild, '{guild}'"
successful: "&aYou've successfully invited {player} to your guild!"
already-in-guild: "&cThis player is already in your guild!"
successful: "&aYou've successfully left your guild!"
cancelled: "&cLeaving guild cancelled!"
warning: "&cType /guilds confirm to leave your guild, type /guilds cancel to cancel."
warning-guildmaster: "&cYou're the Guild Master of this guild, leaving the guild will mean that the guild is deleted. Type /guilds confirm to leave and delete your guild, type /guilds cancel to cancel."
player-left: "&cPlayer '{player}' left your guild!"
successful: "&aSuccessfully kicked {player} from your guild!"
kicked: "&cYou have been kicked from your guild by {kicker}!"
player-kicked: "&cPlayer '{player}' has been kicked from the guild by {kicker}!"
successful: "&aGuild's prefix changed successfully!"
requirements: "&cYour guild's prefix does not match the requirements! You can only use alphanumeric characters and the length of the prefix cannot exceed 8"
error: "&cYou have no actions to confirm!"
error: "&cYou have no actions to cancel!"
reloaded: "&aConfiguration file reloaded!"
found: "&aFound an update! Go to {url} to download it!"
not-found: "&cNo update found!"
pending-invites: "&aYou have {number} pending invite(s) from the guild(s): &e{guilds}"

This is the free version of The Guilds Plugin. I will be releasing a Premium version in due course which will entail a variety of brand new features.

Premium Features (Coming Soon):

  • Name tag above players' heads which displays the guild-name of whichever guild a player is a member of. This can be enabled/disabled.
  • Interactive GUI for Guild leaders for easier functionality.
  • Guild Bases similar to the claiming feature with Factions which allows players to claim territory for their guild. This feature will be able to be enabled/disabled in the config.
  • Vault/Economy Support to enable configurable costs required to create guilds, upgrade guild member capacity, and make configurable prices for claiming land on behalf of your guild.

(NOTE: The features listed above are subject to change. As we brainstorm new ideas, more and more features will be implemented in time in addition to those listed above.)

Contact me:
Have a plugin request, or question about this plugin in particular? Add me on Skype at ilovebella991 or email me at pearsonwright1@gmail.com

DOWNLOAD THE PLUGIN HERE: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/guilds.13388/
CreditPearson Wright
Progress60% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.3 beta

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by PearsonWright 02/19/2017 3:35:47 pmFeb 19th, 2017

  • Added in admin commands (see in /guilds help)
  • Added in plugin update checker!
  • Bug Fixes!

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