Minecraft Mods

Global Warming Mod

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X_pilot's Avatar X_pilot
Level 54 : Grandmaster Necromancer
Hey guys!

This mod was part of a school project in which I chose to implement minor levels of global warming into the game. Due to time contraints the mod is not complete. Due to this lack of completion, I decided to upload it here and continue its development for the Minecraft community.

There are still issues with the current release, however they are being worked on. A save function for the pollution index is not possible at the moment, however it will be added when I figure everything out.

BEWARE: The mod only adds negatives to your world in order to simulate what cutting down trees does in real life. There is a bunch of mechanics behind it's rebalancing, however I warn you: DO NOT HIT AN INDEX OF 500!!!

To install the mod you must UNZIP the file and put the .jar file into your mods folder.

There is a whole bunch I want to add, however if you have any ideas, please feel free to make a comment below stating why you want it to be in the mod.
Progress20% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8

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02/12/2020 1:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sylverpelt's Avatar
Is it just me or does nobody in this comment section understand that humans may have done decent damage over a gradual period of time to cause 'global warming', but for the vast majority, it won't matter how much supposed 'pollution' we put out or not, there are natural processes that cause far more damage than any group of humans can put out in quite some time. Volcanoes, Solar Flares, Hot Springs/Geysers and other natural phenomena are only a few off the top of my head. Even volcanoes deemed benign at the moment are still dangerous, lest we all forget the history lessons of Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvius. One Volcano (Eruption or not) can and is still spewing out plenty of dangerous waste into the air to make up for any of our 'slacking human factories'. Don't believe me? Please, search how much pollution human factories in 1 country (say, USA) make a year, then, search how much one volcano makes in 1 year, and add that to the number of miles a solar flare can increase the 'hole in the ozone layer', and subtract the numbers of the total between the Solar Flares & Volcanoes versus human pollution for the difference, and tell me who does worse. (Al Gore likes scaring uneducated people into thinking we're the only cause of pollution, and we'll all be much better if we went back to the stone age and without any way to make tools, or cook food without 'global warming' worsening. Kinda funny.) Enjoy! :)
09/03/2019 12:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
igeorge16's Avatar
4 years later and nothing :(
Paleozoic Productions
05/10/2017 9:51 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Network
Paleozoic Productions's Avatar
Hate to see this go... :(
Hopefully get back to it someday
08/10/2017 5:00 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Necromancer
X_pilot's Avatar
I will someday. I will probably update to the latest forge version and completely rewrite. On a recent revisit to the code I was disgusted at how inefficient it was. Maybe more planning in the fututre. I will update it sometime, I promise that.
01/19/2016 4:31 am
Level 80 : Elite Modder
JavaBuckets's Avatar
Saving the pollution is an easy task, hit me up if you need help with it, you can do it with ExtendedEntityPropetiers which is basically NBT data saved to the player, this way you can also have different pollution levels on different worlds. ;)

- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
12/12/2015 8:56 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
Johnanater's Avatar
Interesting mod, will water be flying everywhere when "global warming" happens? Cuz that's what everyone says will happen.

Keep it up! :D

This comment section is cancer D:
12/13/2015 1:43 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Necromancer
X_pilot's Avatar
Haha, I don't think water will be flying everywhere, but that'd be hilarious XD

Thanks for the motivation :)

12/06/2015 12:39 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Pokemon
Iaeyan_Elyuex's Avatar
If you hit an index of 500, does the horrible Al Gore monster come and kill you?
12/07/2015 9:17 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Necromancer
X_pilot's Avatar
Omg, I should implement that!!! :P
12/04/2015 8:40 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
KJP12's Avatar
Nice project. Would like to see what I can do with it.Is there going to be any mod support like with MFR, like the more the machines, more the global warming.
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