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FierceToast60's Avatar FierceToast60
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
Gemslabs is a mod I've created. It adds slab variants for all ore blocks! Just kidding.
Gemslabs was created with MCreator, and it adds features that I think would fit well into vanilla Minecraft.
Sugar Cane Block: A block of sugar cane
Gunpowder Block: A block of gunpowder
Stick Block: A block of sticks
Crate: A food storing block
Apple Crate: A crate of 8 apples
Carrot Crate: A crate of 8 carrots
Potato Crate: A crate of 8 potato's
Chorus Crate: A crate of 8 chorus fruit
Egg Crate: A crate of 8 eggs
Beetroot Crate: A crate of 8 beetroot
Berry Crate: A crate of 8 sweet berries
Melon Crate: A crate of 8 Melon Slices
Chiselled Prismarine Brick: A chiselled variant of prismarine brick
Void Foam: A new 'ore' found on the bottom of end islands, that can be made into end portal frames
Sulpher: A new ore found in the end
Sulpherite: An item dropped from Sulpher, which can be combined with coal/charcoal and be turned into gunpowder
Mace: A new weapon that gives you slowness, but deals massive damage and knockback
Smokey Netherrack: Netherrack that gives off smoke
Pig Iron Ore: A new ore found in the nether
Pig Iron: Dropped from pig iron ore. Four combined will create an iron ingot
Scythe: A new weapon used to wither your opponents
Dark Iron Ore: A new ore from the nether
Dark Iron Shard: Dropped from Dark Iron Ore
Dark Iron Ingot: Three Dark Iron Shards combined with pig iron. Used to craft a scythe
Dark Iron Block: Crafted from nine Dark Iron Ingots
Causeway: A new biome filled with octagonal pillars
Corrugated Iron: A new building block
Sandstone Bricks: A new building block
Cracked Endstone Brick: A new building block
Red Sandstone Bricks: A new building block
Obsidian Bricks: A new building block
Villager Head: A new structure found in the Overworld
Watcher/Nether Brick Watcher: Watchers are a new 'mob' that burrows into netherrack and nether brick. Can be noticed by its single eye that peers out of the block. Right click to poke it.
Page on Mcreator: https://mcreator.net/modification/63236/gemslabs
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.15

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