Minecraft Mods

FunkyStore - Item market and schematic 3D-printer (web application)

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MEDVEDx64's Avatar MEDVEDx64
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Disclaimer: This stuff is initially made for my own MC server and contains some server-specific things that you'll very likely need to tune/fix yourself. I posting it here in hope it may be helpful for someone.


is an economics mod, allowing you to create your own item web-marketplace attached to MC server. Players can buy listed items and sell blocks for internal currency called FunksFunkyStore does not deals with real money.

Get it from GitHub: https://github.com/MEDVEDx64/FunkyStore
Installation instructions are described there.
It does not require to modify your server, because it interacts only via RCON.

Short Administrator's Guide

User accounts
Users can freely create accounts. Each user account stores balance, in-game nickname and flags. Flags usually describes user's permissions.
Each user starts up with 0 funks on balance and money_recv, money_send flags, whic means they can send and receive money from others. Ofc, funks can be freely transfered between accounts.

Admin console
Using an administrative account you can edit, add or remove store items, manage user accounts and more. Administrator account is able to edit money value, so it can produce infinite amounts of funks.

3D printng
You can give users an ability to print things directly in the server's world by adding print flag. Printing feature is not designed for large things and may crash your MC server.

There is a places in the world where users can place blocks on and sell them for funks by clicking the market's link. Unfortunately, market editor is not (yet) implemented in admin interface, and you have to manually insert market records into markets collection. Consider the following example: http://pastebin.com/g15AhqHe

Storage directory is used to share custom content, like pics and stylesheets, so they will be available at address like "yourhost/storage/file.png".
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

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01/18/2016 4:45 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
DarkEyeDragon's Avatar
This looks pretty interesting. Sadly enough I don't really know pyton that well. Guess this is a reason to learn it ;3
02/02/2016 9:08 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
FunnelOfFate's Avatar
all u need is mcedit
02/05/2016 9:03 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
DarkEyeDragon's Avatar
Well I do need pyton if i want to understand the code don't I ;3
02/15/2016 1:29 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
FunnelOfFate's Avatar
honestly, i thought i was on another thing. i had no idea i was on this. so i think u shouldnt listen that comment i made
01/16/2016 6:18 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Mage
HeyItsPaul's Avatar
How is this possible. I literally just thought about making something like this.
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