Minecraft Mods

Friends --- Bukkit Plugin

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EhhChris's Avatar EhhChris
Level 53 : Grandmaster Programmer
What is Friends?

Friends is a Bukkit plugin that can be run on most server softwares (1.7+ due to UUID changes) that allows your players to have friends lists. These lists can be used to disable and enable pvp with one another and to view who you like that is online without searching through the ENTIRE tab-list. For example, in this friends list, I can see that Sleepyphoto is online, while the rest of my friends are not:


Friends also allows you to chat with your friends! Look at this screenshot for an example:



/friends OR /friend:
Same thing really, but it does quite a bit. Here's how you can use it:
/friend <add/remove/check> <name>
Will add (or send a friend request) or remove a friend or check if that person is a friend or not.

/friend pvp <on/off>
Turn pvp on or off for friends. Both friends must have pvp ON to be able to fight. To avoid abuse of macros simply remove the friend who is abusing them. There's no reason for there to be a cooldown here.

/friend help <page#>
This is NOT yet done. Once I finish it, I'll update and let you guys know. Not really THAT important, as there's always this page.

/fc or /friendchat
Toggles the friends chat channel on and off, allowing players to communicate with -only- those in one's friends list.


NONE! Or at least not yet. Upon requests, I will add things, and this may or may not change.


* Finish help pages
* Implement friends chat system (friends only chat)

Alright, so other than those, I really don't have much of an idea as to what else to add. So yeah, suggest below and we'll see what I can do!

Virus scan? Sure:

Remember, if you like it:

CreditCover image by sleepyphoto
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.8

1 Update Logs

Update #1 v0.03.4 (Friends chat!) : by EhhChris 06/29/2014 4:38:03 pmJun 29th, 2014

As I had mentioned, I planned on adding a chat system for friends, and so it has been done.
Use /fc or /friendchat to toggle friends chat channel on and off. That's about it!

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10/11/2015 3:13 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ItzBoston's Avatar
This would come in handy If I Had Freinds :(
10/26/2015 12:08 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
minemw08's Avatar
im sure you have some
11/16/2014 12:05 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Network
Afrobot2300's Avatar
I need this for 1.6.4 :/
11/16/2014 10:24 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Programmer
EhhChris's Avatar
Unfortunately, 1.6.4 doesn't use UUIDs, so while this plugin could theoretically be made to work on 1.6.4, it'd take quite a bit of work. If there was more demand than just one person, I'd look into it, but I'm sorry.
07/30/2014 8:25 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
GreekPixel's Avatar
Nice Plugin! One nice, shiny,  blueish-clearish diamond for you!
06/29/2014 9:58 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pixel Painter
Sunset_Moth's Avatar
Make this sync across different servers that have it, so that I can friend someone on one place and see where they're online, so I can find someone later as long as they're on a Friends server.
06/29/2014 11:12 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Programmer
EhhChris's Avatar
While this sounds incredible, and I'd love to see a plugin do this, it'd require a lot more than just the plugin to track players from server to server. There is a mod that ATTEMPTS this here. Keep in mind however that it has been out of date fora while now, and the owner hasn't updated for 11 months. With the incoming uuid changes in 1.8, this mod will likely be utterly useless without an update.

Edit: Looking at your comment again, I see that you mention a Friends server, meaning a server with this installed. Theoretically, this could be done with some basic web design and maybe some mysql integration. I may look into this, and try a beta version for something around those lines. It'd be a good experiment for me.
07/01/2014 10:56 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Network
superpeanut911's Avatar
This is fairly easy to do even cross server. Just save their login in a Redis database or any DB of some sorts and have it read from there :)
07/02/2014 10:41 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Programmer
EhhChris's Avatar
I was thinking of doing a separate version from this one that used an online database to link across all servers, but I may decide to fall back on this idea, as it'd be simpler. I haven't yet started on this though, as I am still out of town at the moment.
06/30/2014 9:58 am
Level 23 : Expert Pixel Painter
Sunset_Moth's Avatar
I wouldn't expect a mod that looked at the IP someone was on and told me about that, since this is a plugin and not a mod. I figured that the servers would just announce stuff to a certain spot on the internet, then when someone does the list command, it checks to see if they're on any of those servers. I think people would use this a lot more if you did that, and it's just broadcasting the server's IP/Code/Whatever and the player's name to another, nonminecraft server which holds onto it until another one asks for it, and then the plugin sends a message that they left and that changes it to last seen here instead of is online here. Then it gets overwitten when the next "logged in here" message comes.

EDIT: And possibly be able to log off with a command and leave a message such as "Out to lunch" instead of just a standard "Offline"
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