Minecraft Mods


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KaptainWutax's Avatar KaptainWutax
Level 32 : Artisan Miner
FreeCam is a simple mod that adds a custom camera controls. It is a client mod which means servers dont need to install it. Here is how it works :

-In the Controls Menu, you can set the "Anchor" keybinding. After pressing it, you will engage FreeCam mode.

-In the same menu, you can also set a "Roll Right", "Roll Left" and "Roll Reset" key that will be explained later.

When FreeCam mode is engaged, here are the controls :

-Pressing W will make you move forward. (Normal Behaviour)
-Pressing S will make you move backwards. (Normal Behaviour)

-Pressing A will rotate the player to the left.
-Pressing D will rotate the player to the right.
-Moving the mouse around WILL NOT affect the player's rotation, you can look freely around you.
-Using the scrollwheel will not affect the hotbar helditem, but instead, it will zoom in and out from the character, switching between perspective modes when too close.

When using the "Roll Right" and "Roll Left" keybinding, they camera
will rotate like a barrel around the player right and left respectively.
Pressing the "Roll Reset" keybinding will reset the Roll value.

Have fun! And make sure to report bugs on the Issue Tracker.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

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06/28/2019 11:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
amazo_'s Avatar
Do you think you’ll update this for 1.14?
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