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[1.7.10] Fossils and Archeology Revival - The Dinosaur Renaissance Update [7.3.0]

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iLexiconn's Avatar iLexiconn
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Programmer
[1.7.10] Fossils and Archeology Revival - The Dinosaur Renaissance Update [7.3.0] Minecraft Mod

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Build 7.3 for Minecraft 1.7.10 is released.
It’s finally here! Version 7.3 of the Fossils and Archeology Revival mod is out with many changes. If you are planning on upgrading from a previous Fossils and Archeology version, please make sure to read the “Important Upgrade Notes” section. The most notable thing about 7.3 is the complete overhaul of almost all prehistoric models and textures. The feathered and quilled models are enabled by default now, but we have also redone the scaled textures for players who prefer less realism. Another important change are the disappearance of the dinosaur sub-type textures. These have been superseded by the addition of genders, with the male and females having different textures.

Another addition are improved animations. New animations include attacks, sleeping, sitting, flying, general living animations as well as being able to smoothly transition between them. These animations really help the dinosaurs feel more alive, and we felt improved the overall experience of dinosaurs in Fossils Revival and helps the player become more immersed in the experience. No doubt there will be more animations added in later updates.

Continuing with adding more immersive gameplay, almost all prehistoric creatures now have moods. All five of the current moods are, in descending order: Happy, Content, Calm, Sad, and Angry. A creature’s mood will affect their interaction. If they are calm, it will not attack unless hungry. If they are happy or content it will not attack unless provoked. If it is angry or sad, it will attack on sight.

To improve your prehistoric’s mood, we have introduced several toys in this update you can create for them to play with. Feeding them and keeping them well fed will also increase their moods. A prehistoric’s mood can also raise or lower depending on how many of their species are around and if their environment has any natural greenery--so keep those in mind when building enclosures. Some prehistorics can no longer be tamed by food offerings, but the whip can now be used to tame a wild dinosaur; however most creatures get angry when subjected to this method. Moods and temperament are still in progress and will be expanded in later updates.

A new item added are Tar Fossils. Tar Fossils can be obtained from tar droplets, which come from either killing the new Tar Slimes, or gathering tar in a bucket. Once a player has Tar Drops, they can analyze them for rare Tar Fossils. These act similar to Bio-Fossils, but are from cenozoic animals. Players can also place them as skeleton displays just like Bio-Fossils.

Another question we’re already being asked, is what’s next? Our plans after this update is to start a port of 7.3 and move directly to Minecraft 1.10 as we transition 1.7.10 to maintenance only before stopping 1.7.10 support all together.

There are many more changes in this update, we highly recommend checking out the changelog for a complete look!

Important Upgrade Notes

Like always, be sure to back up your world before updating!

-Due to the amount of changes in this update, there were a few unavoidable changes that happened.

-Custom textures for dinosaurs may be broken after this update, since many went through texture revisions.

-Most plant blocks and items

-Anubite statue and item

-All figurines and vase blocks/items

-Fossil Record "Awakening"

-All terror bird items (cultivated/non-cultivated eggs, meat, DNA)

-All tyrannosaurus items (eggs, DNA, meat)

-Confuciusornis meats

-Nautilus meat

-Dodo meats

-Quagga meats

- Petrified Palaeoraphe sapling items

-All dinosaurs have been reset to 0 days old and are babies.

-All Tyrannosaurus mobs will disappear

-Dinosaur eggs that are on the ground hatching may or may not be another dinosaur when you update (In one case pachy eggs turned into hatching spinosaurus eggs after updating).
Progress80% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

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08/05/2019 8:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Dinonicky's Avatar
Fiction dinosuars they don't add.
06/25/2018 12:04 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
QuackieDuck's Avatar
possibly add the indoraptor and indom cuz of new movies out?

06/23/2018 7:10 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ranger
Upload in 1.10.2
04/24/2017 12:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Cars123's Avatar
Please fix the Spinosaurs so it can get out of the water and the scarab to tame more creatures like (spinosaurs,Gallimius,ect). And why does chicken essence dose not work anymore?. ANDD AND AND fix the aquatics they keep getting stuck into walls and im getting fustrated
03/31/2017 8:17 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
DerrickDU's Avatar
pls update the mod to 1.11.2
04/16/2016 11:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
LittleDinoGamin's Avatar
please update the mod to 1.9
10/18/2015 8:38 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
YuriofWind11's Avatar
06/30/2015 7:15 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TheUltimeatPickaxe's Avatar
Does this add dungeons?
06/23/2015 8:16 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
InfinityGamer05's Avatar
This is such an awesome mod! especially if you have Jurassicraft also! i made myself a huge Jurassic Park styled zoo.
P.S the Anu boss is kinda freaky in a way! (In my opinion)
06/20/2015 3:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
coolplayer78's Avatar
worst  BEST mod ever 100%
Planet Minecraft


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