Minecraft Mods

Forge Mod Manager v1.1

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knight65's Avatar knight65
Level 25 : Expert Miner
This is a mod manager for Forge which has the ability to make multiple profiles in which mods are stored. This mods represented by their profile can be moved to your mods folder with a click of a button.

Version 1.1 : http://aspirated.esy.es/fmm/1.1.rar
Version 1.0 : http://aspirated.esy.es/fmm/1.0.zip

Requirements : .NET Framework 4.5 , Forge

Installation Instructions :
  1. Download the latest version and extract the zip file.
  2. If you already have installed an older version uninstall it first and then open 'setup.exe' and go through the installation procedure.
  3. If your Minecraft directory is not the default you might get an error which can be fixed by entering your custom directory.
How to use:
  • To create a profile type in a name and click 'Add profile'. This will create a folder in 'Documents/Forge Mod Manager/Profile_name' and then restart the program to refresh the profile list.
  • To select the profile browse down the selection box. Click 'Open profile' and this will open up a window in which you can place your mods in.
  • Once you have selected your desired profile click the ">>" button, between the two boxes where your mods are listed , to copy the mods in your selected profile to the mods folder (NOTE:Doing this will result in all of the mods in your mods folder to be deleted so be sure to move the mods to a profile before doing this. Make sure that Minecraft is NOT running!)
What's changed in version 1.1

  • Bug when starting up the program for the first time fixed
  • New UI
  • 'PRF-' identifier removed
  • Performance bugs fixed
What's to be expected in upcoming version's

  • A working profile editor
  • Automatic updater
  • Even better UI
Tweet or email or post your bugs and problems
Follow me on Twitter @KNIGHT_65
Progress90% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by knight65 09/09/2014 8:15:48 amSep 9th, 2014

  • Bug when starting up the program for the first time fixed
  • New UI
  • 'PRF-' identifier removed
  • Performance bugs fixed
  • Bug when starting up the program for the first time fixed
  • New UI
  • 'PRF-' identifier removed
  • Performance bugs fixed

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01/13/2018 7:41 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
Felina_Lain's Avatar
this looked helpful but the links are dead :c
10/18/2014 3:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ChrisDowning03's Avatar
Thanks This Helps Me Alot
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