Minecraft Mods

[FORGE] Burning War Mod III-B For Minecraft 1.6.2

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knarf2011's Avatar knarf2011
Level 49 : Master Modder
Don't just stab your enemies with a lame old diamond sword, make them BURN!

+Adds a
Corrosive Sword (kills most hostile mobs in 1 hit, applies the "corrosion" potion effect)

+Adds the
Devil's Dagger (Kills the wither in ~3 hits)

+Adds Corrosive Armor (un - damaged diamond armor surrounded by corrosive ingots)

+Adds Flowing Acid (Bucket of water surrounded by corrosive ingots) (applies the "corrosion" III potion effect when touched, dissolves certain blocks (not including ores))

Lava Stone (obtained by smelting a lava bucket)

Lava Armor (Crafted like normal Armor from Lava Stone)

Lava Tools (Crafted like Normal Tools from Lava Stone)

+Adds the volcanic blade (blaze rod handle, obsidian blade, nether star corners, redstone block sides, idea by UndeadGaming606)

+Adds Exploding Crafting Table (tnt on sides, button on top, flint & steel on bottom, crafting table in middle)

+Adds all of the recipes and ores necessary to make all of that

This is the Burning War Mod version III-B for Minecraft 1.6.2. I'm using Roman Numerals for the version of the mod to avoid confusion with the version of Minecraft. IMPORTANT: This is NOT a direct port of version III for Minecraft 1.5.1 and 1.5.2! Although minor, changes have been made! Also, the mod is not yet available for Minecraft 1.7 because Forge is not yet available for Minecraft 1.7, and I can't update the mod until it is. This is also why no mods are available for Minecraft 1.7.


*Acid no longer dissolves glass.
*Any entity riding another entity will not be harmed by acid.
*Acid is now darker and does not have the same graphical glitches as it used to.
*Boats and minecarts will no longer be harmed by acid. Tracks, however, still will be.

The next version will be on Ctapie41's account, because we both do work on the mod, and it's against PMC rules to post two pages for the same exact thing. If you like the mod, you should subscribe to him now, because the next update is going to be pretty awesome.

This mod works in both single - player and multi - player. In fact, it just might be better in multi - player.

An image file showing most of the recipes can be found by clicking on this sentence.

NOTE I: This mod uses and requires Forge, and is installed like any forge mod.

NOTE II: Anyone who had this mod in Minecraft 1.4 shouldn't load any worlds that they used the mod in - doing so will delete all of the mod's blocks or replace corrosive ore with daylight sensors. Sorry about that. If I can find the time, I will write an MCEdit filter to give the blocks their new ID's.

NOTE III: Anyone who had this mod in Minecraft 1.4 will have to delete the mod's config file, lest their game crash during startup. (Config file: %appdata%/roaming/.minecraft/config/BurningWarMod.cfg) The game will generate a new config file that works with Minecraft 1.5.1 and later.

NOTE V: It is recommended that you change your config file when you get the mod so that everything has a high data value. This is because some of the ID's are dangerously close to what is used by vanilla Minecraft, and may be replaced by Minecraft 1.8, depending on how much stuff Mojang adds in each update. I am sorry everything is called "ID550", etc. This is because I wasn't thinking when I implemented config files into the mod.
Creditknarf2011: ideas, code; ctapie41: ideas, art
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.2

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creepers r us
10/03/2013 7:13 pm
Level 20 : Expert Unicorn
creepers r us's Avatar
Can I use this in a mod pack?
10/06/2013 5:13 pm
Level 49 : Master Modder
knarf2011's Avatar
Please do! Just give proper credit to knarf2011 and Ctapie41.
08/03/2013 9:48 am
Level 27 : Expert Ninja
Donit's Avatar
I keep crashing
08/04/2013 11:50 pm
Level 49 : Master Modder
knarf2011's Avatar
Under what conditions?

With what Operating System?

With what archtecture (32 - bit or 64 - bit)?

In what version of Minecraft?

Using what release of Forge?
08/05/2013 8:40 am
Level 27 : Expert Ninja
Donit's Avatar
I have 32 bit. 1.6.2 version of minecraft. The latest of 1.6 forge.
08/05/2013 10:21 am
Level 49 : Master Modder
knarf2011's Avatar
Is Minecraft crashing while loading or while in - game?

If in - game, what did you do before it crashed? Extreme use of exploding crafting tables is known to cause crashes simply because they use so many system resources. I suppose extreme use of flowing acid could do the same thing on a seriously low - grade system, although I've never had it actually happen, even on my old Desktop computer that can't even meet half - life's system requirements.
08/02/2013 8:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dinosaur565's Avatar
This is an awesome mod. I hope to see more of this mod in the future!
08/02/2013 11:51 am
Level 26 : Expert Pixel Puncher
ctapie41's Avatar
The Next update of the mod will be posted on My page, Adding new mobs and maybe a new biome!
08/01/2013 7:12 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
awesomesteve's Avatar
08/01/2013 7:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hereby_Miner's Avatar
What program you used to make this mod?
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