Minecraft Mods

[Forge] [1.6.4] So Many Alloys [Beta]

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Leikaru's Avatar Leikaru
Level 36 : Artisan Modder
Before We Begin: This mod is in Beta, which means it will likely have a couple of bugs here and there. If you find a bug, please let me know by PMing me or just commenting down below.

So Many Alloys is a mixture of technological and a traditional mod. For one, it adds 'technology', I guess. It also adds tools, making it traditional. But, this mod is different. It adds 60 toolsets. Every toolset is made by an alloys. Each alloys has two statistics, which affect how good the tool is. However, to get the alloys is quite hard.


- Mine these, and then you wanna smelt them. More information is in the picture, such as harvest levels, and names. Also, in the picture, the rarest is on the right, the most common on the left, and it's just like a scale of rarity.

Ore Blocks - Easy enough to create, just get the ingot of the ore you want to turn into a block, and then put 9 in the crafting table. Nice for storing the ores.

Ore Walls - These are walls created from So Many Alloy ores. You craft these as if you were crafting a fence, but instead of sticks or Nether Brick, you use the ingots. Cannot be reversed.

Refinery - This block is slightly harder to explain. The Refinery is a technological block, and it refines certain ores. The ores which can be refined are Tin, Copper, Silver, Titanium, Tungsten, Platinum and Rhenium. The refinery is explained in it's picture. If the ingot needs to be refined, then you cannot use the raw ingots for much at all. You can use raw copper ingots as fuel for the Refinery. The Refinery uses 'electrical' items, including all redstone sources (apart from torches). It also uses refined copper ingots. This needs a redstone block underneath it to power the Refinery.

Line: X X X
Line: X Y X
Line: X X X

X = Copper Block
Y = Redstone Dust

Alloy Forge - This block is the most important thing in the mod, apart from the alloys themselves. This creates the alloys. You put either the refined ingot, or just the ingot if it can't be refined, in the first two top slots, and in the bottom, you put an electrical fuel, which is exactly the same as above. However, at the bottom, this needs lava, still or moving. Once the Alloy is made, you are ready to see how the alloys work!

Line: X X X
Line: X    X
Line: X X X

X = Iron Ingot


So, you have your alloy, whatever it may be. The first thing you will notice is that the alloy is simply called 'Alloy'. That is because there are lots of alloys, so the name is in a little information box when you hover over it. But wait, there is more in this information box! There are statistics! 'Hardness', and 'Heaviness'. Now, as much as alloys are hard to create, some can be really bad. Hardness is a statistic which affects your tool's durability, the higher it is, the more durability it has. The maximum durability in the mod is 1900. Heaviness is an interesting one, because the higher it is, the slower your tool will mine. This obviously won't affect you if you create a hoe with it. These stats should make you think twice about making the tool for this alloy. Once you make the tool, which is made just like any other tool, that is it. You have made the tool, and there is no going back. Sure, you might want to test it out, but you can't just scrap the tool. So yeah... always think twice! All the tools have an 'unminable' harvest level, which means... they can mine EVERYTHING. Another reason to get alloyed tools ;).

Planned Features

- More Alloys
- Alloys can be created from Vanilla Ores!
- More alloys stats to affect the tools
- More uses for the alloys!
- Swords... 'nuff said.

Known Bugs

- Minor Visual Glitch - Alloy Forge doesn't light up.
- To make Refinery, you need Copper Blocks, but you need Refined Copper to make the Copper Blocks. Loophole bug.
-- May be wrong however, I write what I'm told :P

Thank you for reading!

If you like this mod, download it and give it a go!
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If you LOVE this mod, favourites are always taken into account ;-)
Progress50% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.4

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04/03/2014 4:15 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Jordy_Pordy's Avatar
Love the idea, might give it a go later. Here's some suggestions you might want to include:

1. Remove smelting of iron in the normal furnance and replace it with a blast furnace.

2. Add the metals in the Electrochemical series, would love to see that!

3. You could add radioactivity and include Aluminium and Lead to counter the spread of Alpha, Beta and Gamma radation.

Good job mate!
06/22/2014 1:52 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
AlexTheRobot's Avatar
Anything solid stops alpha
Lead stops beta and alpha
And it takes a mountain to slow down gamma
03/29/2014 10:05 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
AlexTheRobot's Avatar
Very cool, i had an idea for something along the lines of this, but never really got into coding.
Two suggestions:

1: have the alloys based on 4 qualities: weight, strength, malleability (brittleness), and other (see below)

2: make it a tinkers construct addon mod, people are more likely to download an addon, than a possible competitor (unless its a whole heck of a lot better), and with TC, you could change the recipies to have the ends of a pickaxe a different item than the center. the eges could be made of an alloy that is less malleable but harder, and the inside more malleable, therefore increasing durability and mining speed.

3: Make additional things like ender pearls, blaze rods, end stone, and more, that change other things like swing speed, fire striking (flint n' steel and fire aspect), hunger usage, etc.

4: I am a good artist, I could texture for you

(sorry, i ramble)
03/30/2014 5:11 am
Level 36 : Artisan Modder
Leikaru's Avatar
1: It'll be on the lines of that, I guess, for the qualitites.
2: I don't really fancy it to be an add-on, purely because this goes on it might just be able to challenge TC. Not saying it will, but it might
3: Do you mean upgrades for the tools then? That would be interesting. 
4: That sounds good to me, seen some of your Texture Packs, I'd love for you to help.
04/05/2014 10:09 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
AlexTheRobot's Avatar
Finished some stuff:
Click me!
I made you a new refinery and alloy forge, with top, bottom, front, and side textures for both on and off states of each!
It isn't just metal (visually) so idk if the recipe should match
rs mi rs
mb f mb
br sss br

rs = redstone
mi = metal ingot
mb = metal block
f = furnace
br = brick
sss = soulsandstone (i couldn't think of anything in mc that visually matched, so i came up with a realistic (in mc) material to fit, a form of quartz (smoky, burnt, citrine, prasiolite, or a gwindal (w as v) click me for more info), could work too)
04/05/2014 10:15 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
AlexTheRobot's Avatar
4x version clicky (it's a lot easier to see)
04/05/2014 11:55 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
AlexTheRobot's Avatar
I had an idea that if you melted the metals, then put them in a device to alloy them, it could have greater precision/greater ease of use (and a need for even more content, woot!)
1x size
4x size (viewable)
04/06/2014 12:06 am
Level 24 : Expert Artist
AlexTheRobot's Avatar
Im not sure which pic should be for what, maybe;
copper: refinery
iron/steel/nickel: melter
tungsten: alloy forge
04/05/2014 10:09 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
AlexTheRobot's Avatar
That was longer than i thought!
04/05/2014 6:38 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
AlexTheRobot's Avatar
Just tried the mod and i have one question, would it be possible to make the mod generate specefic textures, atributes, etc, if the base values are specified and base textures availiable? Like if 4 different metals were alloyed, it would combine the textures (think multiple layers with the top ones at partial transparency), and the specific atributes (multiplying the percent composition by the stat, then adding them together). This would allow for HUGE variation among alloys, also, adding more metals would be easier.
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