Minecraft Mods

ENU2 - Ultimate Server Controlling Tool

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niklon's Avatar niklon
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pegasus
ENU2 - Ultimate Server Controlling Tool Minecraft Mod

ENU 2 – Eloquently Numerously Universal – was a random match up of letters to further try to fit words in. It is a Minecraft Administration Suite which is here to help you manage and supervise your Minecraft server. I’ve put lots of time and work into this project, for free, for you to have it. It is a second version of ENU project, which wasn't really exposed to public because of bad coding.

Download newest ENU2
Download .NET Framework from Microsoft
Download JSONAPI from GitHub

Comments really well seen! :

Official project page
Official author's page
Official Bukkit post

Lots of bugfixes reported by others.

New config bug fix. FPR

First public release!

Protip: In internal windows, leftclick the title bar to move the window around, doubleclick to maximize it, and rightclick to hide it.

What will you need:
  1. A bukkit(or any other standard plugin supporting software) server. It may be running either or your machine or somewhere else.
  2. A JSONAPI plugin installed. Made by alecgorge! The power of his plugin is truly amazing!
  3. .NETFramework 4.0 installed. Since the program is developed on .NET platform, this is required to run the program.
  4. Windows 7 or 8. Both numbers are supported, however I’m not going to add support for Vista and XP!
  5. You’re all set! Type in the credentials and you can start doing the better administrating!

Basic Tutorial
  1. Unpack everything that is in the release zip.
  2. Start the program.
  3. Set the configuration password. You can change it later.
  4. Type in the credentials for JSONAPI(for how to set them check out alecgorge’s documentation pages)
  5. Test the connection.
  6. Stream the console.
  7. You’re all set! Report if anything is wrong!
ENU v2 offers you the following features:
  1. Online players management
  2. Offline players management
  3. Banned players management
  4. Banned IP’s management
  5. Live console streaming with colors parsing!
  6. An internal browser(e.g. quickly copying permissions)
  7. PeX permissions editor
  8. File Manager(read, download, edit files)
  9. Global ban checker
  10. IP information checker
  11. Skin previewer and downloader
  12. Premium account checker
  13. Auto-pinging your server
  14. 100% secure AES-256 configuration file security.
  15. A beautiful Windows 8 design. (looks the same on win7!)
  16. Lots of settings for customization.
  17. Additional security measurements!(e.g. binding config file to a specific computer only)
Looking for people to help! Why not try to message me?

Why not diamond? Please, let this post make it.

ENU2 - Ultimate Server Controlling Tool Minecraft Mod
ENU2 - Ultimate Server Controlling Tool Minecraft Mod

All the magic of this program is based on C#.NET, 3rd party libraries and, what takes care of the server side, the JSONAPI plugin made by alecgorge! He’s an amazing guy and you should check him out!

Copyright © 2014 niklon
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.4

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by niklon 03/23/2014 4:08:55 pmMar 23rd, 2014

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05/03/2014 7:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
eur2's Avatar
is there some kind of auto portforward on it? if not please add!
03/25/2014 12:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
eur2's Avatar
03/25/2014 2:57 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pegasus
niklon's Avatar
Planning to do that, stay tuned.
03/24/2014 6:59 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Modder
erisawesome's Avatar
mac please
03/24/2014 11:52 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pegasus
niklon's Avatar
Planning to do that, stay tuned.
03/22/2014 5:04 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
xmx1024's Avatar
I will test this out when JSONAPI starts working.
03/21/2014 7:50 pm
Level 1 : New Network
kylehuot12's Avatar
can you use this program on a server that is hosted by a company, cause my sevrer is hosted by beastnode.
and if you can i would like to know how to set up the ports for the JSONAPI plugin to communicate with the program.
03/22/2014 4:51 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pegasus
niklon's Avatar
Yes, you obviously can. That's what this program is for, mainly for dedicated servers. This isn't yet another GUI for bukkit's localhost. Install the JSONAPI plugin, and leave the default 20059 port. Then check if it works. If it doesn't, contact BeastNode support and ask them about these ports.
03/22/2014 9:27 am
Level 1 : New Network
kylehuot12's Avatar
thanks for your help ill see about getting those ports looked at.
oh and also the username and password is the login for the console right or is it for the player account?
03/22/2014 2:54 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pegasus
niklon's Avatar
It's the username and password defined in plugins/JSONAPI/users.yml
By default it's
login: admin
password: changeme
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