Minecraft Mods

Entity 3O3 Boss Fight.

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The ExiIed FeIIow's Avatar The ExiIed FeIIow
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Imposter
Disclaimer: Please ignore the title. This is not a mod. It is a one structure creation.

Entity 3O3... Seriously? First, you wanted to summon Herobrine and now... You wanted to summon his rival? Well then... You can now. By installing this one structure block creation into your world. Well, good luck then. I'll pay for your funeral later. This one structure block creation adds a creepypasta boss mob into your world, Entity 3O3. 0riginaly, IJAMinecraft made an Entity 3O3 boss fight for 1.8 but now, here's a 1.12.2 version. If you really wanted this, it's only a matter of time before you will go to heck.

Installation: Unzip the file you just downloaded ---> launch minecraft ---> go to your world folder ---> drag the "structures" folder from the .zip file you just downloaded into your world folder ---> play your world ---> /give @p structure_block ---> load in structure "entity303bossbattle" ---> Make sure you have the "include entities" option activated ---> PLAY! 😀
There is also a Machine Nuke if you want to blow it up and remove it.

Here's some info about the big boss fight.

==How to summon Entity 3O3==

I've watched the IJAMinecraft's original video about the boss. It requires eight quartz slabs, four obsidian and an armour stand. So, I did the exact same thing... Except, replacing the eight quartz slabs with eight quartz blocks. Throw down eight quartz blocks and four obsidian onto an armour stand and wait for the fight to begin. It starts off with four big booms and then Entity 3O3 appearing saying: "Y0U W0N'T ESCAPE ME!". Watch this YouTube video to find the reference.

==Entity 3O3's Attacks.==
1. Summon's fireballs in every direction.
2. Summons five silverfish.
3. Summons lightning on you at the same time summoning more silverfish.
4. ALWAYS go for the knee. If you attack his torso or head, you're gonna have a bad time.
5. If he manages to meelee attack you, you will be withered.
6. He uses head lasers often.

Health: 8OO

Entity 3O3's Drops.==
1. Entity 3O3's trophy. In IJAMinecraft's Entity 3O3 boss fight, as a trophy for defeating Entity 3O3, he drops a "Dead3O3" item. But in this one structure block creation, just like my "Nian Bossfight" creation, he drops his head. Sorry if you think it's pretty lame.

2. Cloak 3O3. Basically, if you wear it, you won't be able to take it off. Until it breaks which would take a REALLY long time. However, it gives pretty good defence. Better than diamond gear.

Update 1:
FinaIIy, after such a Iong Iong time, l've finaIIy decided to fight Entity 3O3 again. But then, l've found two of the worst bugs ever. For the command bIock outputs keep appearing, l used to think that /gameruIe sendCommandFeedback does the trick... but no. lt was /gamerule commandBIock0utput. And for the summoning part, l finaIIy fixed the probIem. lt was two of the repeating command bIocks for the summoning were set to "AIways Active" meaning even if you miss a step, it wiII trigger the command and wiII break the entire thing. FinaIIy, this is a reaIIy huge bug squashing and l finaIIy did it.

Enjoy! 😀

Don't forget to falcon punch that Subscribe button, and thanos snap that diamond and heart.
And I will see you next time! BYE!

CreditMCStacker for creating NBT data. Inspired by IJAMinecraft's Entity 3O3 Boss Fight in only one command for 1.8
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

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08/23/2021 6:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
rickshadow's Avatar
yà.fg jplvgjvjvchiudjhbicvbjcvoihjcvhucvh9nugcjfjchfdhcvncvncncnfcngvnvnvnfvnfchdfh
03/08/2021 4:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PARZZZ2800's Avatar
Hola, el mod me llamo la atencion pero como se invoca a la entidad 303
The ExiIed FeIIow
04/15/2020 4:16 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Imposter
The ExiIed FeIIow's Avatar
Removed the "reference" of Entity 303's first message. Now for the new peopIe, you have to go find it out yourseIf in that video.
The ExiIed FeIIow
04/15/2020 4:01 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Imposter
The ExiIed FeIIow's Avatar
Sorry for the hundreds of you who have downIoaded this before. l finaIIy squashed two of the Iargest bugs you might find. You're free now!
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