Minecraft Mods

[1.2.5-1.8] [Plugin] Emotions_recoded V1.0

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DarkEyeDragon's Avatar DarkEyeDragon
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
Today i'm glad to publish my first fully functional and actually usefull plugin :D

So first of all:

Q:What does this plugin do?
A:Its rather simple. You can use commands such as /kiss , /hug, /rofl
These will then broadcast a message trough the server. or send a private message.

Q:Why should we use this?
A:If you use it or not is up to you. I think it is fun to have cuz its something diffrent than the regular chat
And it may just be even more effective to say you love someone with a fancy message rather than just typing it in chat ;)

Q:Does this support permissions?
A: It sure does. Every permission can be assigned using emotions.(command) example emotions.slap or emotions.kiss
Only people with the required permission will be able to use it. OP's will be able to use the command regardless of the permission. You can use the ingame /emotions command to see what commands you can use and what permissions you have.

If you want a command added. Go ahead and request it.
Need additional info? also go ahead and ask me :3
CreditBukkit API, Eclipse
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8

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