Minecraft Mods

Elemental Cows Mod Forge 1.7.10 - 0.9(Lost, but never forgotten!)

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Soulas's Avatar Soulas
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Hello guys its hoganas, and my mod elemental cows

What does this mod has to offer?

at current v0.9 version of the mod

Fire Cow - 100hp, sets enemies on fire, when dies creates explosion - spawns in nether, yet nothing special , but its coming soon!
Elemental Cows Mod Forge 1.7.10 - 0.9(Lost, but never forgotten!) Minecraft Mod

Lightning Cow - 100hp, shoots lightning at enemies, when dies creates 20x lightning strike - spawns in nether, now has special abillity that has 400tick cooldown, he self makes him self charged and blows up, dealing aoe damage to everything around him, and launching him self into the air.

Elemental Cows Mod Forge 1.7.10 - 0.9(Lost, but never forgotten!) Minecraft Mod
Wind Cow - 100hp,is faster 25% then normal speed, launches you into the air when hits you, deals 7.5damage, has ultra charge abillity that allows him, to dissapear for a short time, and get +5x more speed, when dissapeared.

Dark Cow - 110hp, on attack, withers and blindnes enemies, deals 8.5damage, uses power of dark orb, and sometimes teleports behind you

Ice Cow - 100hp, makes enemy freeze on attack, and spawns ice beneath it self, deals 9 damage

Earth Cow - 100hp, stuns enemy on attack, nothing special yet, deals 10 damage

Water Cow - 100hp, no special abillity, on low health ,summons water to heal it self up.

Magic Cow - 40hp, can be tamed, when tamed gets 100 hp, has 2 random special attacks
1.) Charge - runs right into enemy dealing bonus damage on hit
2.)Blow up - allows him to charge him self up and blow up , dealing damage all around him

can be tamed with golden apple, and breeded with flowers, and healed with all sorts of food.

Mini Lightning Cow - 50hp,is same as lightning cow, but less destructive, can be tamed with magma cream, and is 4 times less destructive.

Mini Fire Cow - 50hp,is same as fire cow  is tameable by blaze powder

Mini Wind Cow - 50hp,is same as wind cow, is tameable by diamond

Mini Ice Cow - 50hp,is same as ice cow, is tameable by glistering melon

Mini Dark Cow - 55hp, is same as dark cow, is tameable by slime ball

Mini Water Cow - 50hp, is same as water cow, is tameable by fish

Mini Earth Cow - 50hp, is same as earth cow, tameable by coal


Orb Of Fire - is dropped by fire cow,can be crafted in t o fire blade & fire block
Lightning Bolt - is dropped by lightning cow, can be crafted in to lightning blade & lightning block
Orb Of Freeze - can be crafted into ice block

Orb Of Darkness - dropped by dark cow

Orb Of Wind - dropped by wind cow, can be crafted into wind blade & wind block

Orb Of Water - can be crafted into water blade 

Fire Core - ?

Lightning Core - ?

Wind Core - ?

Fire Blade - has 4000 uses - deals 11damage, sets enemies on fire, on right click creates , flame balls

Lightning Blade - has 5000 uses, deals 13damage, sets enemies on fire, on right click creates, lightning bolts

Wind Blade - has 6000 uses, deals 13.2 damage, knockbacks enemies, on right click creates, wind balls

Water Blade - 4500 uses, deals 12.7damage.

Earth Blade - 10.000 uses, deals 18.5 damage, cannot be enchanted

Dark Blade - 4000 uses, deals 10.5 damage, on right click spawns dark balls, withers enemies

Every blade can be crafted!

Fire Block - Sets entities on fire, if is powered by redstone.

Wind Block - makes everyone fly, if is powered by redstone, if you will land on this block, you will not take any damage

Lightning Block - WIP

Ice Block - WIP

How does cows look like?

Elemental Cows Mod Forge 1.7.10 - 0.9(Lost, but never forgotten!) Minecraft Mod
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

7 Update Logs

new version of this mod elemental cows reborn has been created! : by Soulas 10/18/2015 3:20:07 pmOct 18th, 2015

be sure to check out new version for this mod!   
its made from scratch by me, because i can't update orignal anymore :/


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05/03/2015 5:12 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
Pup2602's Avatar
Best mod ever. I had to cows fight and the took out half of my world! :D
02/23/2015 7:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Grenburrpon's Avatar
Hi Soulas

Can I use this in a public modpack?
02/23/2015 8:01 am
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Soulas's Avatar
next time be sure to check forum, you can use only if you mention me as creator in credits, then you can :)
02/24/2015 4:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Grenburrpon's Avatar
Thanks! :D

Initially I wanted to ask you on roliksstuff but I got some sort of registration error. Sorry.
02/24/2015 8:02 am
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Soulas's Avatar
np, now its not rolikstuff but rolikdevelopment.com/mforum, for forum, for website its rolikdevelopment.com and for bug reporting its rolikdevelopment.com/bugtracker and etc
02/20/2015 12:10 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Toast
Q-Nix's Avatar
Is this mod compatible with most mods?
I'm making a modpack, do I have permission to use it in my pack?
02/20/2015 12:43 pm
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Soulas's Avatar
yes i give you permission :)
02/20/2015 12:14 pm
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Soulas's Avatar
yes its compatible, i tried my self, with mods like orespawn,twit light forest and etc, and even mutant creatures it works, fine :)
02/20/2015 12:19 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Toast
Q-Nix's Avatar
Awesome! But do I have permission to post my pack publicly with your mod in it?
11/27/2014 10:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JoeWhoopsie's Avatar
Great mod! I did a review, which you can find here:
Planet Minecraft


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