Minecraft Mods

[BukkitPlugin] Player Give Ups v1.3

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Metal_Julien's Avatar Metal_Julien
Level 30 : Artisan Modder
Player Give Ups shows you the location where players logged out. For example, if a server has a long/hard introduction (rules etc.) the admin is able to view the location where alot of player logged out -> He can make the introduction part shorter/easier -> more players will rest on the server.


  • Shows you all locations of offline players (default Redstone block)
  • You can use a "played time" filter
  • Find out where your players stopped playing because it was for example too hard


The main command is the command /pgu. You control everything with arguments:
  • /pgu - Shows help
  • /pgu show - Shows all the locations of offline players
  • /pgu showfilter - Shows all the locations of players that have less than playtime.
  • /pgu hide - resets all the blocks (it kicks you because the blocks are only client side)
  • /pgu setblockid - Change the default block id


The only permission is:
  • pgu.use
  • pgu.setblockid

Upcomming features

  • Creating a bird-view picture
  • Please tell me your wishes
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.5

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Metal_Julien 05/19/2013 10:34:56 amMay 19th, 2013

* Going to add Picture-creator

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05/20/2013 12:10 am
Level 48 : Master Pyro
HammerCraft's Avatar
Looks like a very nice one, this may come in handy.

- The HammerCraft Team
05/19/2013 7:25 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
05/19/2013 5:42 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
Eeirail's Avatar
I apologize if this seems like an attack, but you are making it seem as though there are not other submissions on Planet MineCraft that are complete and good. This is very offensive.
05/20/2013 12:10 am
Level 48 : Master Pyro
HammerCraft's Avatar
I wouldn't take is as far as to say it is offensive... he's just saying that the general quality of projects on PMC is dismal, and this one is a good example of how it should be. No reason to take offense.

- The HammerCraft Team
05/19/2013 10:35 am
Level 30 : Artisan Modder
Metal_Julien's Avatar
05/17/2013 3:32 pm
Level 43 : Master Modder
HyJaffa's Avatar
Couldn't people just download Essential and type /seen playername ?
05/18/2013 6:48 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Pirate_Ray's Avatar
yes they could but that would not show you the location of where a player logged out, this shows possible flaws in an introduction or certain other things...
05/18/2013 8:18 pm
Level 43 : Master Modder
HyJaffa's Avatar
Actually, By typing /seen playername you get the last co ords of where a player logged out and it gives you there ip address, and if they are banned if banned for what reason
05/19/2013 6:50 am
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Pirate_Ray's Avatar
while this is true you do not get physical visual feedback which this mod does, and you say use "/player playername" this mod shows all players at the same time currently logged out
and if you have a large server, the last thing you want to do is typing every single name listed on your server to see their logged out location data...
05/19/2013 7:04 am
Level 43 : Master Modder
HyJaffa's Avatar
Ohh my bad, I thought that this just showed co ords, Thats cool then :D
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