Minecraft Mods

Umbraium Beta 0.1

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MuddyKat's Avatar MuddyKat
Level 44 : Master Kitten

Umbraium Beta 0.1

The difference with this update is mainly the re-write of the code but also a texture redo.

I know I say this a lot but in time I will update all of those images.
Recipes - still the same, the name has not been updated yet
Demonic Crafting Altar - Recipe
Umbraium Beta 0.1 Minecraft ModUmbraium Beta 0.1 Minecraft ModUmbraium Beta 0.1 Minecraft Mod

Crafting Recipes
Progress5% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

20 Update Logs

Update #20 : by MuddyKat 08/27/2016 6:14:10 amAug 27th, 2016

-update + Complete Rewrite of the code which should help any frame rate issues
-update = Changed Texture's to those provided by Irish (more will be changed in the future.

-update = Changed how the Deep is Generated.

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08/29/2016 9:18 am
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
LeStr11's Avatar
Can I ask how come there arent many mods for 1.9+ and 1.10
All the mods I see are for 1.7.10...
I a asking cause in a couple of days Im gonna start recording a modded survival and I need some mods... but I cant find any... :/ I have camping mod, Biomes o' plenty, just enough items, and a minimap mod forgot the name... :/
12/24/2018 12:57 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
KatrinaPride's Avatar
Swap JEI for NEI [Not Enough Items] or TMI [Too Many Items], the mutants mod would be a nice add, So would better nether, twilight forest, aether and Mystcraft, So would Limbo or Dimensional Doors.
08/30/2016 1:43 am
Level 44 : Master Kitten
MuddyKat's Avatar
Its because in the later versions of minecratft they have change how they actually make blocks in 1.7 and below I can great a base block class for all my ore blocks reducing my workload so I dot. Have to create a new class for each block. Because of the resource packs that now can change block models you have to create a model for each and every block you add including items. So in short its just a lot more work.

also each new version of Minecraft they change minor fuction names and parameters meaning modders have to recode for each version but specifically from 1.7 to anything higher because of the resource update.
08/30/2016 1:45 am
Level 44 : Master Kitten
MuddyKat's Avatar
Using a phone to reply sorry for the spelling issues
08/17/2016 6:09 pm
Level 44 : Master Kitten
MuddyKat's Avatar
Sorry about the lack of updates. I have been on a full schedule but I will update again before months end.
04/06/2016 6:53 am
Level 44 : Master Kitten
MuddyKat's Avatar
Tomorrow the new update is coming Get ready for the new Dimension
03/28/2016 7:01 am
Level 44 : Master Kitten
MuddyKat's Avatar
any idea why my mod description turned to code? guess i have to redo it meh was gonna do it anyway
03/27/2016 10:36 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
Dem sword textures tho
03/28/2016 6:25 am
Level 44 : Master Kitten
MuddyKat's Avatar
thank you I made them myself, any suggestions I'm planning on adding some scythes to go along with the nightmare equipment i'm adding soon
03/28/2016 7:19 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
… The desc is messed up. xD
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