Minecraft Mods

DayZ Mod || V1.0PRE_ALPHA_dev || (Forge 1.7.10)

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supremacyX's Avatar supremacyX
Level 70 : Legendary Programmer

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What is DayZ? DayZ is an open world survival video game in development by Bohemia Interactive, and the stand-alone version of the award-winning mod of the same name. The game was released for Microsoft Windows via early access on Steam on December 16, 2013, and is currently in early alpha testing.

Do not post questions here about your problems if you haven't read this post.
If you ask a stupid question, I will give you a stupid answer. I
don't expect you to know everything about this mod or Java or DayZ but I
expect you to use common sense. That means if you get an error in the
install log, you need to copy and paste it here. Don't just say "the
install log says fail".

Looking For something?

Most Info you will need on this mod is available on our website DayZ.github.io

or you can look below

Dev Hub -

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Welcome to the Dev Hub. Here you can find all you need to know about the mod.

Update #1-An early look at a couple of the models...More available on the website

Videos -
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None Yet :)


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FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Q: What Engine did you develop this mod in?
A: Intellij IDEA Engine

Q: Does this require Forge and if so what version?
A: Yes, It does require Forge Mod Loader which can be found here , it also works with any version of 1.7.10

Q: Isn't this just a repost of another DayZ Mod?
A: No, infact this mod was orginally developed by HoBos_Taco but the version I am currently updating was never posted, Since the original developement of this mod, Hobos_Tacos and the rest of the original Team Have gone silent and haven't been seen in almost a year.

Got any other unanswered questions? Ask one below!

Creative Commons License
Five nights at Freddy's Mod by -Magik-, and chuchothespanishman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Twitter: @MagikModder

Progress50% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by supremacyX 02/13/2016 12:22:06 amFeb 13th, 2016

I would like to make a quick announcement, and unfortunately this is mostly bad news...

So as we all know Windows 10 isn't very good..Well I made the mistake of updating to a while back. You maybe asking, what does this have anything to do with DayZ Mod? I am getting to that.

So long story short my PC Crashed with tons of OS errors, So Windows 10 automatically 'repaired' itself. When I login I notice that Intellij wont load any of my projects, so I attempt to go to the folder where all my mods were and sadly realize they were all deleted. All My Mods not just this one. Everything in my documents folder was deleted and unfortunately the only back up I have for this DayZ Mod is super outdated. I am debating whether to give up the project entirely as I have a dozen mods I have to attempt to recover, or if I get enough support I may restart this mod from the old save.

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08/12/2016 8:36 pm
Level 81 : Elite Programmer
Beardielover's Avatar
Hey, did you know that mods can be decompiled with mcp? It won't deobfuscate any method names that forge does, but for the most part it helps a ton if you lose all your work. Also, I'm sure you know that forge is built off of mcp so many method names are used by both.

Guide to doing so

So if you want, you still have a chance to continue this mod. I'm not asking you to continue this mod, It's that I was in the same situation a long time ago, and I wish someone had told me.
05/01/2016 12:49 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1837376's Avatar
06/02/2016 12:06 am
Level 70 : Legendary Programmer
supremacyX's Avatar
08/04/2016 12:47 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
AverageJoe21's Avatar
That's a real shame considering how amazing the old mod was.
02/14/2016 2:45 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1837376's Avatar
01/21/2016 12:35 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
AverageJoe21's Avatar
So since Christmas is off the table as a possible release date, when do you estimate the mod's earliest playable version will be ready for public download because I played the original mod and that was already impressive but I wish the food cans and medical stuff were 3D and also I wish vehicles were also added, so when I realized this post was based on that mod, I got really hyped and wanted to download it right away. Anyways, just wanted to know when you think the earliest version will be ready which is also stable enough to play on singleplayer.
01/21/2016 9:36 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Programmer
supremacyX's Avatar
Not sure yet. and I would like to add that vehicles will be in this mod :D
02/09/2016 3:15 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1837376's Avatar
01/06/2016 1:51 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1837376's Avatar
01/19/2016 9:26 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Programmer
supremacyX's Avatar
I was aiming for christmas but slight complications have risen. Not with the mod itself but 'business' wise.
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