Minecraft Mods

DaGroupHardcore 1.2.1

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lejara's Avatar lejara
Level 12 : Journeyman Modder

Every player on your server will have a shared pool of lives, and a day timer.​
If one person dies it affects everyone's lives count.
When morning hits in the Minecraft world, one less day will be counted on your days left.

DaGroupHardcore 1.2.1 Minecraft Mod

Your goal is to kill the Ender Dragon before you run out of days or lives!
When lives or days are out...
All players will be kicked and lockout from the server.

DaGroupHardcore 1.2.1 Minecraft Mod

Works on both Spigot and CraftBukkit

  1. Have Installed a Spigot or CraftBukkit Server
  2. Drag and drop the DaGroupHardcore_X_X_Xv.jar to the plugin folder.
  3. Done

DaGroupHardcore 1.2.1 Minecraft Mod

  • There is a world end event that causes TNT, Lava and Mobs to spawn to each player at a interval. Then it drops all players to the abyss. NOTE: The world end event is set to off by default since it may cause lag to the server. Command to turn it on is down below.
  • A day pass registers when the world time hits 0 - 20 ticks. So using the set time command will not cause a day to pass on the scoreboard.
  • The plugin can only remember one world at a time. (feature to remember multiple worlds might come in the future)
  • If you failed the hardcore, but would like to get back into your world. You can type "/reset" to reset the plugin data.

  • /setlives [​number] - Set the number of lives
  • /setdays [​number] - Set the number of days.
  • /reset - Resets plugin back to default. Can be used to reset a world that has failed the hardcore. Note: this will not roll back any block changes caused by the world end event.
  • /setworldend [​0 | 1] - Sets the world end event to happen when you fail the hardcore. Beware: TNT explosions, Lava, Ghast Explosions, Players spawn point will be changed to the abyss. This may cause server lag! The world end event compute complexity scales based on how many players are in your server!
  • /resetplayerspawn - Resets all online players spawn point to the world spawn point. Useful to fix the spawn point changes caused by the world end event.

If you liked this plugin and would like to support me for future updates donation link is here
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.15

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