Minecraft Mods

[Forge-1.6.4-Beta] Crystal Orb Mod

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ASHninja97's Avatar ASHninja97
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
This is a very basic but unique mod. At the moment It contains new tools, weapons, ores, materials and building blocks, but I hope to add on more items special features and enhanced game play. As this is my first mod It will be a bit basic as I said before, but I hope to provide the Minecraft community with a fun mod that everyone can enjoy. I am currently still developing it and therefore I haven't calculated the release date yet, but I will be updating this forum whenever I make progress. It is currently only for 1.6.4 because forge hasn't released an official 1.7 update (even though it is available it isn't recommended).

Remember The Mod is still in Beta!!!
Please tell me if there are any Bugs, Glitches, Problems, etc.


Crafting and Information
(click on the spoiler's)
Crystal Orb
This is a Crystal Orb. It is stronger and more durable then diamond, but requires two new materials combined together. A Red and Blue Orb.

Energized Crystal Orb
A Energized Crystal Orb is more then two times durable then Diamond and is more powerful and Durable then a regular Crystal Orb. It is created by energizing a regular Crystal Orb into a Energized Crystal Orb (Shown above in the Energizer machine).

Blue Orb
One of the orbs used to make the Crystal Orb. It is obtained by mining its ore.

Red Orb
One of the orbs used to make the Crystal Orb. It is obtained by mining its ore.

A mineral found in special types of Dirt, Logs, and Leaves. It is created by putting a Crystal Orb into a The Grinder machine.
So far it is used to ignite the Cryport.

Pure Iron
Pure Iron is extracted from the iron ore by putting iron ore into the extracter machine. You will get either two or one pure iron from a Iron ore.

Pure Gold

Pure Gold is extracted from the gold ore by putting gold ore into the extracter machine. You will get either two or one pure gold from a gold ore.

Crystal Pickaxe

Crystal Axe

Crystal Shovel

Crystal Hoe

Crystal tools are crafted in the same pattern of regular Minecraft tools, except it uses Crystal Orbs instead of, for example, Iron Ingots. Crystal tools are faster and more durable then diamond tools.

Energized Crystal Pickaxe

Energized Crystal Axe

Energized Crystal Shovel

Energized Crystal Hoe

Energized Crystal Tools are the most durable, efficient, and powerful tools so far. They are crafted by putting Energized Crystal Orbs in the default tool pattern.

Building Blocks
Crystal Block
The Crystal Block is created by filling in every empty slot in a Crafting Table. It is equally resistant to explosions as an Obsidian Block, giving it superior strength.

Cryrite Enhanced Grass/Dirt
Commonly found underneath a Crytree. It contains the mineral Cryrite witch can be extracted from it by putting it in the Extractor machine.

Cryrite Enhanced Log
Used as the main building block in a Crytree. It contains the mineral Cryrite witch can be extracted from it by putting it in the Extractor machine.

Blue Orb Ore
Is found though out the world and generates at almost any ground elevation level (surface to bedrock). Only a Iron pickaxe and above can mine it. When mined you get one Blue Orb.

Red Orb Ore

Is found though out the world and generates at almost any ground elevation level (surface to bedrock). Only a Iron pickaxe and above can mine it. When mined you get one Red Orb.

Decoration Blocks
Crystal Chest
The Crystal Chest is created by surrounding a normal chest with 8 Crystal Orbs. The Crystal Chest is Explosion resistant, making it equally as strong as the Crystal Block.

The Energizer
The Energizer is a machine that uses power from a Blaze Rod to energize a Crystal Orb. One Blaze Rod can be used to power enough energy to energize three Crystal Orbs.

The Extractor
The Extractor is a machine that extracts materials from specific blocks. Right now it can only extract the mineral Cryrite from Cryrite enhanced blocks, but will later be able to extract ores and other related types.

The Grinder
The Grinder is a machine that grinds up materials into a powder form. At the moment it can only grind a Crystal Orb into Cryrite, but will later grind up extracted ores and related.

Cryrite Enhanced Leaves
These leaves are found at the top of a Crytree. They contain the mineral Cryrite witch can be extracted from them by putting it in the Extractor machine.

Crystal Sword
ImageDamage Level: 8
The Crystal Sword deals +1 times more damage than a Diamond Sword and is more durable.

Energized Crystal Sword
ImageDamage Level: 12

The Energized Crystal Sword deals +6 times more damage than a Diamond Sword and is more durable then the Crystal Sword.

Crystal Helmet
Protection Level: 3

Crystal Chest-plate
Protection Level: 8

Crystal Leggings
Protection Level: 6

Crystal Boots
ImageProtection Level: 3

Crystal Armor is as equally protective as Diamond Armor, but is more
durable. In other words the Crystal Armor will last much longer.

Energized Crystal Helmet
ImageProtection Level: 3

Energized Crystal Chest-plate
ImageProtection Level: 8

Energized Crystal Leggings
ImageProtection Level: 6

Energized Crystal Boots
ImageProtection Level: 3

Energized Crystal Armor is as equally protective as Crystal Armor, but is more durable. At the moment it just lasts a lot longer then any other armor but in the future I will be adding special effects and abilities to spice it up.

Added List
*Red Orb material and ore
*Blue Orb material and ore
*Crystal Orb
*Energized Crystal Orb
*Crystal Pickaxe
*Crystal Axe
*Crystal Sword
*Crystal Shovel
*Crystal Hoe
*Energized Pickaxe
*Energized Axe
*Energized Sword
*Energized Shovel
*Energized Hoe
*Crystal Block
*Crystal Armor
*Crystal Chest
*Energized Crystal TNT
*The Grinder
*The Extractor
*Energized Crystal Helmet
*Energized Crystal Chest-plate
*Energized Crystal Leggings
*Energized Crystal Boots
*Cryrite Enhanced Leaves
*Cryrite Enhanced Log
*Cryrite Enhanced Dirt
*Cryrite Enhanced Grass
*Pure Iron Ore
*Pure Gold Ore
*The Crystal Dimension
*Crystal Portal

Going to Add
*Energized Crystal Orb Power Levels
*Crystal Arrow
*More Recipes for the Grinder
*More Recipes for the Extracter
*Item ID list (for mod pack usage)
*Bosses (suggested by KillerJ12345)
*Teleportation Orb (suggested by MrComputerGhost)

Perfecting List
Crystal Chest Unique Properties
Energized Crystal Armor Unique Properties
Crytree Structure
Energized armor texture (you may submit this texture if you like)
General appeal (Textures, Names of Items)
Crystal Portal
The Crystal Dimension

Cryport Video Demonstration

joshmas2's Mod Showcase
ki6koanyo's Mod Review (v1.2)
Natsu219's Profile (He made some of the textures)

This mod was made to improve the Minecraft general appeal to tools, weapons and materials, but is growing into something much more. So far the mod includes, new weapons, tools, decorative blocks, materials, machines, and a new dimension, but is not yet complete.

Thanks :D
CreditNatsu219 (Some Textures)
Progress65% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.4

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by ASHninja97 03/29/2014 11:13:05 pmMar 29th, 2014

*Pure Iron Ore
*Pure Gold Ore
*More Recipes to the extracter
*More Recipes to the furnace
*Added The Crystal Dimension
*Added Crystal Portal
*Tweaked some of the code

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09/25/2014 10:25 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
ASHninja97's Avatar
New mod has been posted starting on another one, will probably update this one around christmas.
05/05/2014 11:10 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
ASHninja97's Avatar
Sorry if I am not updating this mod as quickly as I should be. I am working on a couple projects and other school related events.

Thanks :D
Slick Craftians
02/18/2014 6:22 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Slick Craftians's Avatar
If you want free advertising in the form of a video, ask here when ur done: http://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/want-youtuber-advertising-your-server-mod-t363922.html
02/17/2014 11:00 pm
Level 47 : Master Modder
MrComputerGhost's Avatar
I was just noticing how quickly your mod is updating, and I must say, you are doing quite an amazing job doing so. If you ever need any help with anything, contact me and I'll be sure to help you out.
02/18/2014 6:57 am
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
ASHninja97's Avatar
:D Thank you!

I will remember that.
02/10/2014 11:13 am
Level 1 : New Blacksmith
Paxsen's Avatar
I GIVE you a diamond if i can use this for a mod pack in the future ;D
02/10/2014 4:44 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
ASHninja97's Avatar
I will work on that.
02/09/2014 2:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
glomom7's Avatar
It looks very nice but when i try to use it i get the error Ticking entity

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2080. I know how to fix this if there is a config file but there isnt. Just wondring if there is anyway else i can fix this
02/09/2014 3:24 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Modder
ASHninja97's Avatar
Are you using any other mods, besides mine?
02/21/2014 2:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
glomom7's Avatar
yes i am using a lot of other mods.
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