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[Bukkit] Shadow Wand

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SpookyHD's Avatar SpookyHD
Level 28 : Expert Ninja

~~Shadow Wand V.2.3~~

Shadow Wand is a wand for fun!

Its have magical spells to kill or heal someone.

Use it for you'r own server and kill other people with it!


  • Spark - 2.5 Damage.
  • Confuse - 0.5 + Potion Effects: Confusion III, Blindness II, Slowness I, Slow Digging I.
  • Teleport - Left click to teleport.
  • Jump - Potion Effect: Jump III.
  • Speed - Potion Effect: Speed III.
  • Posion wave - Potion Effect: Posion III + 0.5 Damage by hitting a single firework.
  • Spark wave - 1.5 Damage by hitting a single firework.
  • Heal wave - Potion Effect: Heal.
  • Confuse wave - 0.25 Damage by hitting a single firework + Potion Effects: Confusion III, Blindness II, Slowness I, Slow Digging I.
  • Heavy wave - (2 Times slow as other waves + shorter duration) Potion Effect: Slowness III.
  • Super wave - 2.6 Damage by hitting a single firework + Fire + Potion Effect: Blindness II, Weakness I.
  • Fire wave - 1.05 Damage by hitting a single Firework + Fire + Potion Effect: Weakness I.
  • Shadow wave - 2.0 Damage + Potion Effect: Wither 5.
  • Heal spark - Potion Effect: Heal II.
  • Fire spark - 1.6 Damage + Fire + Potion Effect: Weakness I.
  • Super spark - 2.9 Damage + Fire + Potion Effect: Blindness II, Weakness I.
  • Posion spark - 0.65 Damage + Potion Effect: Posion III.
  • Shadow spark - 2.0 Damage + Potion Effect: Wither 5.
  • Explode - Makes a big EXPLODE
  • Explosion Wave - Makes a wave of EXPLOSIONS
  • Thunder - Shoot some Lightning


Get the wand: /shadowwandget

~~ Planning ~~

Leave a message what spell I must add!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.8

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05/28/2014 2:49 am
Level 42 : Master Artist
BrokenEye's Avatar
Make a spell that kills the caster, crashes their game and irrepairably corrupts their world save, possibly by summoning horrible horrors from beyond the End.

It is not, by any stretch of logic, even remotely benifitial, but there are plenty of people that would cast it anyway just to see what all the fuss is about.
Ambassador Pineapple
05/26/2014 4:20 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
Make a spell called Maximum overdrive that makes everything within 100 blocks explode, but kills the user.
05/27/2014 12:35 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
SpookyHD's Avatar
That spell can destroy spawn and shops if you know.
And I have a trick that dont kill the players / entity's;

p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.DAMAGE_RESISTANCE, 1, 14));
Ambassador Pineapple
05/27/2014 3:16 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Scribe
Ambassador Pineapple's Avatar
05/26/2014 3:58 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Socile's Avatar
Use the new /particle command to add particles to certain spells
05/27/2014 11:19 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Gent
fase's Avatar
You can't use the particle command because that is in the 1.8 snapshots. Bukkit has its own way of adding particles.
05/27/2014 12:32 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
SpookyHD's Avatar
You're right Phase_, thats only in 1.8+.
You wil need a Particle Effect class, you can find it on bukkit.org. My code:

 ParticleEffect.sendParticleToAll(ParticleEffect.CLOUD, loc, 0, 0, 0, 1, 10);
05/28/2014 11:19 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Socile's Avatar
I understand I mean, I was hoping you would add it for 1.8
Primordial Team
05/26/2014 11:26 am
Level 78 : Legendary Loremaster
Primordial Team's Avatar
Shadow Wave: 5 Damage and will make the victim blind.

Is there a Mana/Magicka system? Or maybe cooldowns?
05/26/2014 12:58 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
SpookyHD's Avatar
Nice idea!
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