Minecraft Mods

[BUKKIT] Essential GUI v1.0 [1.7.9+]

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logical23's Avatar logical23
Level 21 : Expert Geek
Essential GUI v1.0

Essential GUI is a simple GUI where there are different thing you can activate depending on what you clock on.
This is my first public plugin, so dont be harsh. Im not that advanced of a programmer too.

What each item does...

As you can see in the second picture, there are 8 different toggles you can activate.
Here is what each one of them can do:

Op Me - TNT:
  • Its a fake "Op Me" trap. You dont need a special permission for this one, since when you click on it it kicks you and displays "You cant have OP". Fun trolling to do against people who constantly ask for OP :)

Teleport Me - Ender Pearl:
  • It teleports you to the location set with the Beacon.

Set Teleport Point - Beacon:

  • Sets a teleport point from where you can star teleporting to that location with the Ender Pearl in the GUI. (It resets on every reload D: ).
Game Mode Survival - Stone Pickaxe:
  • Sets your gamemode to Survival.
Game Mode Creative - Bedrock:
  • Sets your gamemode to Creative.

Ender Chest - Ender Chest:
  • Opens your Ender Chest

Crafting Table - Crafting Table:
  • Opens a Crafting table grid.

Enchantment Table - Enchantment Table:
  • Opens a low levle Enchantment Table.

Coming Soon! - Book and Quill:
  • More features coming soon!

Spoiler -                 Permissions                                                                                                         Description
egui.*Permission to everything.
egui.toggle.tpPermission to execute the teleportation by clicking on the Ender Pearl.
egui.toggle.settpPermission to set the teleportation location by clicking on the beacon.
egui.toggle.survivalPermission to change your gamemode by clicking on the Stone Pickaxe.
egui.toggle.creativePermission to change your gamemode by clicking on the bedrock.
egui.toggle.echestPermission to open your ender chest by clicking on the ender chest.
egui.toggle.ctablePermission to open the crafting grid by clicking on the work bench.
egui.toggle.etablePermission to open the low level Enchanting Table
egui.cmds.infoPermission to execute the command /egui info
egui.cmds.compassPermission to execute the command /egui commpass

Spoiler - Commands
/egui infoGives the plugins information.
/egui compassGives you the compass to open the GUI

  • Tell me your suggestions on the comment section below!

To Do:
  • Make the "Set TP Point" not reset on evey reload.
  • Add a config.file
  • Add user costumization.
  • Adding a better game mode selector in the future.

Change Log:

Thats it for this plugin, thank you so much for reading. If you experience a bug with the plugin dont hesitate on saying it on the comment section. 

- logical23
Progress60% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.8

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08/06/2014 6:26 am
Level 20 : Expert Cake
mcrocks999's Avatar
Dosen't seem that customizable. But it would be good if we decompiled it and changed what we want, but then that would take ages cause you need Eclipse, Bukkit and JD-Gui or similar.
08/05/2014 3:02 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
Rashneish's Avatar
Isn't this a less flexible alternative to Essentials + any GUI creation plugin?

What does this add that isnt already available in a several different forms?
08/04/2014 11:44 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Puretic's Avatar
This is gonna revolutionise servers!
08/05/2014 3:03 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
Rashneish's Avatar
How so? It's more of a step backward than something new.
08/05/2014 4:14 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Puretic's Avatar
Are you flipping stupid cant you see what paths this dude has opened with this D:<
08/05/2014 5:38 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
Rashneish's Avatar
08/05/2014 5:47 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Puretic's Avatar
08/04/2014 12:04 pm
Level 21 : Expert Geek
logical23's Avatar
08/04/2014 10:47 am
Level 21 : Expert Geek
logical23's Avatar
Video by the awesome LateNightLotion!
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